This month I was happy about: Just still loving being able to work from home the majority of the time. I know this will end in the coming months, so I’m relishing in it while I can.
This month I was sad about: This month has been pretty stressful. My anxiety has been probably as worse as it’s ever been. I’m finding it harder to be out in public or in certain situations and I know it’s because of COVID. I’m not sure I want to try some anxiety meds, but I might ask my doctor.
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time
Movies I watched were:
I don’t think I watched any this month.
TV Shows I watched were:
Firefly Lane (Netflix) ✓ Just watched the first couple episodes – Can’t really get into, but need to try and watch more.
October Road (ABC App) ✓ Again another show I only watched a few episodes of and wasn’t feeling it
This is Us (NBC App) ♥ ♥ caught up – watched Season 4 and current with season 5
Big Sky (ABC App) ♥ ♥ – Season 1
The Good Place (Netflix) ✓ ✓ Season 2 – watching with Alex as he re-watches.
Some YouTube
Rob and I watched:
The Good Doctor ♥ ♥
Blue Bloods ♥ ♥
MacGyver ♥ ♥
SWAT ♥ ♥
Young Sheldon ♥ ♥
Community – Season 2 (Netflix) ♥
The Equalizer ♥ – a new show we just started
Things I read:
The Very Vera Cookbook: Recipes from My Table ♥ ♥ – Finished reading. Loved it! I just need to try some of recipes because I’m sure they will be amazing.
Some Call it Love ♥ ♥
The Broken Trail ♥
The Empty Nesters ✓ – couldn’t finish.
If I can keep up my reading habit, I hope to write posts about the books I read.
Podcasts I listened to:
Didn’t listen to as much this month, but still had a decent list to share
- Think Positive:Daily Affirmations – ✓ ✓
- Life.Church with Craig Groeschel – ♥ I’ve done several of his devotionals on the Bible app as well as some books in Sunday School and I always get so much out of it. Episode 467 Winning the War in Your Mind was really good!
- Daily Boost – ♥ Love these, just wished he posted every day
- Pillows and Beer – Episode 2 – ✓ ✓ Brand New Podcast If you watch Southern Charm, this podcast is done by Craig and Austen from that show.
My favorite song this month was:
What I remember about work was: I got taken off the schedule for February because of COVID at my house.
A lesson I learned this month was: “Your life is always moving in the direction of your thoughts.” Chew on that for a second!
A friend and I: chatted over text.
My favorite pic that I took was:
We got this new dog food container because we go the the new cabinet and got rid of the microwave stand in the kitchen. So the old food container didn’t fit in the new cabinet, we found this which apparently is great place for Katniss to hang out.

The favorite thing I cooked was: I made a new stir fry that I mentioned in my WUW post. I’m going to make it again and then I’m going to try and post it. So good!
Drew: has been anxious for AU baseball season to start.
Alex: is still on restriction from the decisions he made at the end of January. Being a teenager during COVID times are proving to be difficult.
Rob: is back to himself and is excited to be able to attend 2/3rd of the Auburn Baseball games this year.
The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: just really being quite anxious about many things in life. I’m trying to find relief in things I enjoy. It is just so hard to find joy sometimes with so much turmoil in life.
In case you missed my “The Weekly” Posts, here’s the ones I wrote for February:
The Weekly [1.25-2.14.2021]
Week 7
Look back at last month.
Oh, I really hope your anxiety eases soon. I’m so sorry to hear about that. Thanks for the viewing and reading recommendations. Hope you have a good weekend.
Thanks, Me too!
I am sorry you are feeling so anxious. I have anxiety issues, too. My mother and Covid have compounded them. Always feel on edge and stressed and … anxious!! I was prescribed something called buspirone which seemed to help until it started interacting with my OCD meds. Balancing mental health can be so much fun. So, now I am trying to do the best I can without the anxiety meds.
I have been trying to get a book review post together for months. It is going to happen in March. Maybe we can do one together?
Hope you guys remain healthy over there. Love the photo you shared. That is one cute kitty.
P.S. Come link up this post with us for Sentence a Day (our month in review) series on Tuesday!!
Laura recommended Ashwagandha so I’m going to give that a try until I can get to the doc.
I would try talking to your doctor about anti anxiety meds! I’m actually on a low dose because when I feel stressed, I get migraines and the meds have really helped alleviate them. It doesn’t make me feel different, just more calm. Another idea would be to try something with Ashwagandha. I have tried it and it helps too!
Its been on my mind to ask my doc. I’ll check out the Ashwagandha in the mean time. Thanks!
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