mess My living room is currently a mess because Kayleigh loves to tear up and ‘disembowel’ her toys.

patch The Engineering merit badge

mystery Spiders and their webs are so mysterious to me. I also thought this picture had a mystery feel to it.

funny I love how Kayleigh tilts her head like this. I came out of the bathroom and she was looking at me like that. Then she straightened her head. I wanted to get a picture so after pulling up my camera on my phone, so I stepped back into the bathroom and came back out and she tilted her head again, which was funny.

your choice Nasturium in the garden.

I’d love you to join along with us next week! Challenge yourself this week to step out of your comfort zone. Get low, go high, change your angle, get close, back up. Do something different with your shots this week! A couple simple guidelines..
1. Anyone can participate.
2. Since this challenge is meant to help you expand your eye for photography, try to take five new photos this week for the challenge. Or do as many as you got!
3. If you find yourself struggling, you may use one photo from your archive, but who will really know…
4. Link up here on Saturday or sometime before the next Saturday. You can use the button below or just a link would be nice.
5. Have fun iSpying!

For next week the prompts you will be looking to photograph or iSpy are as follows:
– backyard (Fall or whatever season you’re in) – quarterly pic
– your work place (or where you spend your day)
– “now hiring”
– heavy
– your choice
Suggest a Prompt! If you have a prompt you would like to do, please comment below or email me with your ideas! I’ll keep a running list of those and use as needed.
Have fun with it! Happy iSpying!
The “funny” picture of Kayleigh is so cute! She looks like she is trying to figure you out, probably wondering why you’re stepping in and out of the bathroom! LOL
Yes! Her thoughts, “She is so weird!” Haha!
I love your photo of the spider web, it is indeed very mysterious looking almost not there; and what a weird spider! I like how dogs get that puzzled look – they probably think humans are strange.
Yes, I wish we could read their minds!
I’m always fascinated by spider webs too! They are so neat.
Luckily all the spiders that have taken over the deck area are ‘good’ spiders.
That spider web picture is amazing! I love it! And now I want some nasturtiums to eat on salad 🙂 YUM!
Yes, I never knew about Nasturiums or that you could eat them until I started watching Homesteaders on YouTube.
You always have great prompts, annoyed I missed so many weeks, but I had fun doing this week’s!
Thanks! Glad you enjoy them. 🙂