GoodnessKnows Snack Squares

GoodnessKnows Snack Squares {Product Review}

Influenster recently sent me a complimentary box that included GoodnessKnows Snack Squares. They currently have 3 flavors; cranberry almond dark chocolate, apple peanut almond dark chocolate, and peach cherry almond dark chocolate. I got to try the apple variety, which contains 4 square bites of dried apples, crisp rice, toasted oats, and almonds with a dark chocolate coating on the bottom. While I’m not a huge fan of dark chocolate, I found this dark chocolate on these squares to very tasty and not too overbearing or sweet; a great way to get in a little bit of that healthier dark chocolate. These products are healthier than your everyday ‘granola bar,’ because they contain no high fructose corn syrup or artificial colors, flavors, or sweetners and are only 150 calories.

GoodnessKnows Snack Squares {Product Review}

After trying these this morning, I was anxious to see if I could purchase these at a local grocery store, so I used the retailer locator tool, but found that no stores within driving distance of me carry them yet. I later read on their about page that this company was started in 2010 and launched their products in the Boulder and Denver, CO area and later expanded to Seattle, Portland, and Dallas. This year these yummy snack squares are making their debut in more places around the country. They just haven’t quite made it to my area yet, but that’s the great thing about the internet! It doesn’t matter where you are, you can always purchase this healthy little snack here:

I am always on the lookout for new snacks that I can throw in my kids’ backpack or in my purse. These GoodnessKnows Snack Squares have definitely been added to that list. I’m anxious to try the other 2 flavors. You should give them a try as well!


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