December 2019 Happenings

December 2019 Happenings

We started off the month with a win in the Auburn vs. Alabama Game. Here’s Drew and Caitlyn at the game before they rushed the field with everyone else.
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Here’s Daisy when she was still out of it because they had to sedate her so they could do x-rays. She started limping on the backside around Thanksgiving. You can read about all that here.
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The next weekend we headed to Gatlinburg for a soccer tournament.

Daisy…just so darn cute! Dang how I miss that face and her companionship.
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My Honda Pilot hit a milestone. Alex has been watching every time he drives so finally one night we were about 6 miles away from hitting it, so we drove around because he wanted to be driving it when it hit. We pulled over and he snapped a picture. I hope she (the Honda Pilot) makes it to 300K.
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Alex had his Fall band concert. First time getting to wear the full uniform since he’s in high school now.
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The 2nd weekend in December, we were finally able to get over to the tree farm to our Christmas Tree. Here’s the 2 since I couldn’t get Alex to get in the pic.

Rob with our giant tree that we had to cut off quite a bit at the bottom. Luckily the tree farm we go to doesn’t charge by height!
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We had a long full day of decorating inside and out. Here’s the tree.

That Sunday we had our Boy Scout Troop end of Fall Court of Honor. This is a time of fellowship of scouts and families when the scouts get all of their new Merit Badges and Rank patches they have earned over the last several months. All the new officers take the oath. Alex ran for Senior Patrol Leader and was voted in for that position. He is the scout in charge of running meetings, etc. It was an exciting day for him.

Every year near Christmas break we take a department pic. Love my team!
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Rob’s Dad and Step Mom got here on the Saturday before Christmas. That afternoon we took them to an Auburn Basketball game.
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Our church always has several concerts through the month of December. Denver and the Mile High Orchestra came a few years ago and they were just so amazing. So when they came back this year, we were so excited, especially Rob.
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The Christmas Gingerbread Village that the Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center makes is always so amazing. I think it gets bigger and better every year.
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The last few years on Christmas Eve our church has a live nativity. The camel is just so amazing.

Christmas Day was so great. No family drama and just the happiness that Christmas brings.


So happy that Daisy got to enjoy another Christmas. Boy that dog sure did love opening presents!

On Christmas Day afternoon, we loaded up and went over to Rob’s sister’s house to visit and to cook and share in our traditional Christmas meal. Caitlyn and Pam and others slaved away making homemade pasta.

We enjoyed bowling together one of the days.
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Rob’s Dad graduated from LSU, so Rob, his Dad, and Step Mom ended up getting tickets to the Peach Bowl to see LSU beat Oklahoma in the semifinals game.
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Part of Rob’s cousin, Candi’s family came for the game as well. I ended up bring Alex and Cam Bob to Atlanta for the Peach Bowl parade and fan fest. Then we booked it back to Auburn in time for kick off. What a busy, but exciting day!
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Rob’s Dad and Step Mom left the day before New Year’s Eve. We were so exhausted that we ended skipping our Sunday School NYE party and just stayed home. Hope you had a great December too!


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