Pizza Party!

Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving, our friends, R & J, and 3 of their kids came over for a Pizza Party and football. For appetizers I made: Salsa Jalapeno Popper Dip…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #11

Vintage This is a necklace that was my great aunts. It's quite vintage as you can see some of the little stones are gone. I still love it though. Word…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #10

Water Cool water feature Light Driving home in the drizzle Chocolate Strawberry cheesecake ice cream with chocolate syrup Animal I discovered this weekend that goats are really cool animals. I…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #9

Routine Daily devotion is an important part of my day that unfortunately I haven't been faithful with lately. Music I love music. I think sheet music is beautiful. Technology My…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #8

Crossed I was looking around the house for something to snap for this one. I found this and loved the way the pic turned out for it. What's this thing…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #7

Love Here you see my gift from Rob for Valentine's Day. Keep an eye out for the funny story that goes along with this. Duplicated This weekend we went on…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #5

Strike a Pose This is one of my awesome student workers, Marci. She was sporting her BAZINGA shirt (Big Bang Theory) the other day and I just couldn't resist having…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #4

I am in such a rut right now photography-wise. Blah! Part of it is I'm rushing right here at the deadline to get pics done. I want to be creative,…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #3

Sunset I'm so sad I was not able to capture a real sunset this past week. With our sunset occurring about 4:45, it makes it a bit of a challenge…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #2

Stacked Up Stacks of jax While going through stuff this week I found some Jax and thought it would fun to try and stack them. Winter Wonderland Here in Alabama,…

Scavenger Hunt Sunday #1

One Color Laundry I was actually almost done with laundry when I took this picture so, it was not even a full basket. Usually the bed is covered with clean…

Fill in the Blank Friday 12.2.11

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I love soaking up all that the Christmas season has to offer, from the smells, the decorations, the food, Christmas movies,…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 25

Today I'm thankful for the little things in life. The laughter of my children, the beautiful fall colors, the butterflies in the spring, the smell of homemade spaghetti sauce cooking,…