Category Archives: Life

Fill in the Blank Friday 8.19.11

By | August 19, 2011

1. My idea of pure perfection would be is a baby’s fingers and toes. Just love ’em. 2. Laughter is contagious. 3. If it weren’t for my college student workers work would not be nearly as entertaining 4. Bloggers are are interesting people, who don’t mind sharing thoughts, feelings, etc with the world! 5. If… Read More »


By | July 25, 2011

Drew got his braces today! He just got the top set today along with ‘stuff’ on the bottom teeth (which you can’t see unless he opens his mouth) so that his mouth can’t close all the way, which allows room for the adjustments to take place. Dr. T says that he’s trying to correct the… Read More »

Wee Bit Wedneday

By | July 20, 2011

{one} what is your dream job? Ugh. Right now a home executive would be great! Later, when my kids are grown up something with traveling would be awesome, but I pretty much love my job now. No complaints! {two} how many best friends do you have? I don’t know that I have any “best friends.”… Read More »

Wee Bit Wednesday 7.20.11

By | July 20, 2011

{one} what is your dream job? Ugh. Right now a home executive would be great! Later, when my kids are grown up something with traveling would be awesome, but I pretty much love my job now. No complaints! {two} how many best friends do you have? I don’t know that I have any “best friends.”… Read More »

Wee Bit Wednesday 7.13.11

By | July 13, 2011

{one} what’s the #1 most played song on your iPod (or whatever you use)? I’m not at home to look, but I think it’s a song by Asia, either Only Time Will Tell or the Heat of the Moment. {two} what’s your favorite type of exercise? Aerobics {three} what’s your least favorite mode of transportation?… Read More »

Fill in the Blank Friday 7.15.11

By | July 11, 2011

1. I am a (morning, evening, middle of the day person) To answer this one is hard. It really depends on how I’m feeling, but I think I’m really a night owl at heart, just like my Dad. 2. My favorite Pandora stations are I don’t listen to Pandora! oops 3. 3 of my “must-have”… Read More »

Rob Quote

By | July 11, 2011

“I feel like I snatched a meal from the jaws of death!” -Rob This was after he made dinner one night with some food that was past it’s expiration date.

Fill in the Blank Friday 6.24.11

By | June 24, 2011

1. The last thing I ate was… a Hershey Kiss 2. The next thing I’d like to eat is… dinner 3. The best things… are those that come with hard work and determination. 4. Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is… being care free. Once in a blue moon, I find that there’s… Read More »

Newton’s Fruit Thins

By | June 19, 2011

My most recent taste test item was the Newton’s Fruit Thins. They sent me the Fig & Honey flavored cookies. They have a really good taste, nothing overwhelming. These thin cookies had a nice smooth texture, not grainy like I had expected, with the perfect hint of honey and tiny chunks of fig. Although, I’m… Read More »

Fill in the Blank Friday 6.10.11

By | June 11, 2011

1. This weekend I’m… going to relax, get some cleaning done, and just enjoy being with the fam. 2. My last vacation was… in May when we wen to Nashville for a soccer tourney. 3. My next vacation will be… in September when we go to Texas for me sister’s wedding. 4. My favorite way… Read More »

Fill in the Blank Friday 6.17.11

By | June 11, 2011

1. The last movie I saw was… Something Borrowed. Not a fan! 2. I want to… reinstate mandatory monthly dates with Rob. I miss when we did that! 3. Surprises are… awesome! As long as it’s not a surprise like the car breaks down. 4. The best accessory is… earrings. 5. My favorite warm drink… Read More »