Tag Archives: August 2011

14 Years…Really?

By | August 30, 2011

Dear Rob, I just can’t believe it’s been 14 years since we tied the knot! I think back to through the years. It makes me happy to know that we’ve stuck through all the ups and downs through these years. What we’ve gone through in the last 4 years would be enough to test any… Read More »

Wee Bit Wednesday 8.23.11

By | August 23, 2011

{one} what’s your guilty pleasure tv show? Keeping Up With the Kardashians The Bachelor/Bachelorette {two} ear piercings on men: yes or no? No, so old school {three} do you have dish or comcast? Cable, we don’t have Comcast here. It’s Charter. {four} what’s your favorite current fashion trend? Fashion trend? what’s that! ha {five} if… Read More »

Fill in the Blank Friday 8.19.11

By | August 19, 2011

1. My idea of pure perfection would be is a baby’s fingers and toes. Just love ’em. 2. Laughter is contagious. 3. If it weren’t for my college student workers work would not be nearly as entertaining 4. Bloggers are are interesting people, who don’t mind sharing thoughts, feelings, etc with the world! 5. If… Read More »