Writing my last post about cruising definitely got me anxious to write about our 2nd cruise. Although, there wasn’t a whole lot of writing to do, since Rob had written most of that up after we got back. As for this post, I’ll be writing all this from memory using the assistance of the Carnival Capers [I saved], my pictures, and the internet to help me remember some of the details.
Anyway, we went on our 2nd cruise in November 2002 with Rob’s Mom and Step Dad, Alice and David. It was their first cruise. We enjoyed showing them the “cruising ropes” and they fell in love with it also. We left out of Tampa again. We squeezed in a 4 day cruise over Columbus Day weekend.

Departing from the Port of Tampa.
About to eat our 2nd meal of the cruise: Dinner!

After dinner, we were entertained at the Welcome Aboard Show hosted by our cruise director, Lenny Halliday, and comedy with Carl Faulkenberry in the Fantasia Lounge.
Fun Day at Sea
The 2nd day was a Fun Day at Sea, we spent much of the day doing on board activities and eating, along with relaxing poolside. That evening, Captain Giulio Basso hosted a Cocktail Party with music and free cocktails. This was also our formal dinner night which meant lobster, which completely excites Rob and David. After stuffing ourselves at dinner, we were inspired by the show; Party Time starring the Sensation Dancers. Thereafter, as if we didn’t get full enough at dinner, we feasted upon the Gala Buffet at midnight.

Cozumel, Mexico

We arrived in Cozumel around 8 am and departed at 12 am. After eating breakfast on the ship, we disembarked and headed to our planned excursion, which was the Sub-Ocean View Boat ride. Boat seen here.

This excursion is good for people of all ages. You step down into a boat where you sit comfortably and look out. This is the easiest way to see corral, fish, and underwater ruins without having to get wet!
After that excursion we were free as we had chosen to try and find something to do on our own. We ended up renting a car and headed out to first, find a place to eat. This was accomplished after driving up and down a few blocks. We ended up at El Morrito II.This was a great choice, because we wanted some authentic mexican without spending an arm and leg. Our next goal was to find a free or at least really cheap beach to hang out for much of the day. The first place we stopped at was a state park and they were going to charge us some crazy amount, so we kept driving. We ended up at Mr. Sanchos Beach. This ended up being an awesome find! It was free and there was no time limit.
You do have to walk through some vendors at the front, but we got there early enough in the day, they weren’t completely ready to harass us.
They have a bar and restaurant, which was wonderful! We just had a tab running while we were there. I wouldn’t consider it to be cheap, but thought it wasn’t outrageously priced either, especially since you don’t have to pay to be there, use chairs, tables, or the little wading pool.
After enjoying our time in the sun and sand, we jumped back in the jeep and decided to take a ride around to the “Other Side” of the island. The east (windward) side of the island is the opposite side from where the cruise ships dock. This would be considered the surfing and kite flying side of the island with very dangerous swimming conditions. We ended up at a little bar/restaurant, which I think now is called Coconut’s. Click here for a simple interactive map of the island.
We saw some small ruins.
Mexican Church
Day 4 – Sunday: November 10, 2002
Fun Day at Sea
Sunday was a fun day a sea. Many laughs at the Newlywed/Not-So-Newlywed Game, hopeful games of bingo, and some sports Trivia. The show was Hey Mambo with very bright, neon colors.
See all our pics from this trip here.
Useful links:
Helpful list of restaurants in Cozumel
This is Cozumel
Come to Cozumel
Cozumel World Guides
Cozumel Tours
Cozumel Cruise Excursions
Cozumel Insider
Cruise Critics – Cozumel