Carnival Dream::Day 3 {Cozumel}

Carnival Dream::Day 3 {Cozumel}

~ Day 1::Day of Embarkation ~ Day 2::Fun Day at Sea ~ Day 4::Belize ~ Day 5::Roatan 1 ~ Day 5::Roatan 2 ~ Day 6::Costa Maya ~ Day 7::Day at Sea ~ Day 8::Disembarkation/Daytona ~

Day 3 was our first day at port. We docked in Cozumel around 9am. For our day in Cozumel, we had planned a day on our own. The nice part about not doing an excursion with the cruise line is that you beat everyone off the ship. So we caught a cab to Mr. Sancho’s Beach and had the first pick at a spot on the beach. It’s a free beach resort, but they also have option that is the all-inclusive, which includes all you can eat food and drink (including alcohol), snorkling gear, and chair/table. We had booked online already as it saves a few dollars. We decided to let the boys do the water activities as well.

Here’s the pilot boat guiding us in.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Here’s Rob on our balcony as we watch us come in to port.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Sites as we walked to get a taxi.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

I tried to take pics while in the taxi, but they were all blurry. Here’s one that actually turned out when we slowed down to turn in to Mr. Sancho’s.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

As we were coming in a lady walked up and asked to take our pic with Sombrero’s on. On the way out she showed it to us. I’m a sucker for a good pic with me in it.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Oh pool bar…how I love thee. 🙂
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

We paid our balance and found a spot.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

The boys quickly went out to check out the water play area.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Rob and I quickly placed an order for some quesadillas. Hungry!
We discovered after we got there that most items would be put on the buffet a little later, but there were a few things that would not be on the buffet that you could order. I was a bit unhappy with the food on the buffet as it just wasn’t very hot.

The water felt awesome!
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

The boys enjoyed snorkling so much we plan to snorkel another day.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

I enjoyed snorkeling too! Here’s a quick vid of a fish I was swimmin’ after.

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Alex enjoyed playing in the sand.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

There was a guy walking around offering Henna tattoos. I made the mistake of asking how much and from then on he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I thought, “What the heck!” I’ve never done anything like this, so why not. 10 bucks. He had a folder and I found the Auburn logo, so that’s what I did. It lasted for about 2 weeks.

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

The boys enjoyed their virgin strawberry daiquiris
-2012-09-03 13.28.39

Rob and I enjoyed trying lots of different (non-virgin) drinks! I am a huge fan of swim up bars now, but I knew I would be.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

We ordered a coconut so that we could try coconut milk. It was yummy.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

After leaving Mr. Sancho’s, we decided to take a taxi down to downtown San Miguel for a little shopping.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

We only had about 30 minutes. Plus, I was pretty tired, so I didn’t negotiate like I wish I would have. The boys got a few souvenirs and we got some snacks for the bus ride in Belize.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

We got back on the ship, changed our clothes for dinner, and then headed up to Lido deck to watch us leave and for the End of Summer Sail Away Party.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Here’s one of the guys from the Dream’s entertainment staff.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Can you spot Drew?
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

From there we had to go to dinner. Here’s what we ate…

Alex had:
fresh fruit
southern fried chicken
strawberry cheesecake
vanilla ice cream

Drew had:
fresh fruit
chilled cucumber soup with dill
strawberry cheesecake
grilled flat iron steak

Rob had:
french onion soup
penne mariscos
strawberry cheesecake

I had:
smoked chicken quesadilla
black bean soup
jerked pork loin
strawberry cheesecake

After dinner we stopped in the atrium to watch the Fun Force Dance team.
Carnival Dream {Day 3} - Cozumel

Then, we went to the comedy show at 7:30 with Russ Nagel. We decided to stay for the next show with Comedian Eddie Clark, but they make you clear out of the room between each show, so when we came back in we ended up getting a better seat. After we sat down Drew asked if we could move up to the end of the front row. I said I didn’t want to, because I didn’t want to get called out. They finally persuaded me that if we moved up there I could sit on the end. Let’s just say I left that show not very happy…I’ll tell the story later.

TONS more pics from Day 3 here.

Here’s the Fun Times Newsletter for Day 3!


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