Bucket List:100 Things I Dream of Doing

Bucket List:100 Things I Dream of Doing


I don’t have 100, but I’m sure someday it will grow to be 100. This is my on going Bucket List aka things to do before I croak.

1. Visit the Golden Gate Bridge and take hundreds of pictures of it
2. Ride in a helicopter
3. Have some of my photography work published
4. Eat fish and chips at a pub in London (I’ve eaten at a London pub, but didn’t eat the fish and chips.)
5. Go on a cruise
6. Hike on St. John Virgin Islands
7. Scuba dive
8. Visit Mayan ruins
9. Take my kids to Disney World
10. Go see a Broadway Musical
11. Go dog sledding
12. Go to Alaska
13. Take dance classes with Rob
14. Take an adventure through the Sand Dunes
15. Parasail with Rob somewhere in the beautiful Caribbean
16. Go skiing again.
17. See an event in the Olympics
18. Take Rob to an All-Star game for his birthday
19. Snorkel somewhere beautiful
20. Zip-line through the jungle
21. Take a romantic Gondola ride through Venice
22. See the launch of the space shuttle in person
23. Visit New York City
24. Go horseback riding through the mountains (Did this on my honeymoon)
25. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
26. Swim with Sting Rays
27. Throw a fish while visiting the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle
28. Take my kids to all the great kid places in San Diego (SD Zoo, Disney’s Wild Animal Park, Legoland)
29. Try lobster (didn’t love it. tasted good, didn’t care for the texture)
30. Go see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in person
31. Dine at Mesa Grill in New York
32. Go White Water Rafting (Did this on my honeymoon)
33. Learn to ski (again)
34. Go to Hawaii
35. See Christmas lights while being chauffeured in a limo
36. Take a driving tour on Route 66
37. Go hot air ballooning (hated it, but I was a teenager)
38. Try escargot
39. Send a message in a bottle
40. Go to Ireland
41. Try snowboarding
42. Stand in the 4 corners
43. Go snowshoeing
44. Try calamari
45. Eat at Lady and Son’s in Savannah
46. Go to Australia
47. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
48. Be an extra in a film
49. Own an RV
50. Take a vacation on a houseboat
51. Complete an entire year of flickr’s 365 day project 2013
52. Ride the NYC Subway
53. Become fluent in a foreign language
54. Go the top of the Eiffel Tower
55. Take a Catamaran ride.
56. Go to the top of the Empire State Building
57. Learn to play an instrument (Did this in school)
58. Ride on a ferris wheel in a beautiful city with great views.
59. Participate in one way or another with RAAM
60. Write a book and get it published
61. Ride a hovercraft through the Everglades
62. Go to all inclusive resort
63. Enjoy a drink at a swim-up bar
64. Go to Thailand
65. Stand on the Equator (added 3/1/2010)
66. Visit the Boneyard…better yet, do a photo shoot there! (added 8/16/2010)
67. Go to Unionville, Ontario, which I saw from a fellow blogger here. It just looks so cute and as she calls it quaint. Love little places like this.
68. Ride in a taxi in New York City
69. Watch the ball drop in Time Square on New Year’s
70. Snorkel in the Caribbean with my family
71. Run a 5K
72. Have a prosperous garden
73. Have some of my photography work displayed in public Applebee’s in Auburn houses 14 or so of my photos.
74. Be on a reality TV show

What are some other things I should add? Have you made your list?

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