Christmas Decor – Part 2

By | December 19, 2008

I just can’t seem to get into a groove of writing like I’d hoped. We’ve been busy buying for Christmas, planning the menu, etc! Oh the joys of CHRISTMAS!

Anyway, I’m going to continue from my Part 1 post about decorations.

A few years ago Rob’s parents added to my Clown collection with this adorable stocking holder. Up until last year we didn’t even have a mantel to put him on, so he sat up on the entertainment center with nothing hanging on him. We used to hang our stockings on our bannister seen here. I was so excited last year when he found a home on the mantel.

Christmas Decorations

Last year I finally broke down on got some nicer stockings. I wanted something a little different. Not to dressy, but not to kidish either. I found these at the Stocking Factory. They really complete the mantel at Christmas.

Christmas Decorations 2008

Since I started this post off with something Rob’s parents got me, I’ll continue on with more treasures they have added to our collection. Next is a reindeer and sleigh holding some greenery. It used to have candles in it and was a centerpiece one year.

Christmas Decorations

A couple years ago Rob’s parents had a friend making these. I think they made them with red or green. It’s one of those glass tiles with lights inside and a bow! Pretty cool idea.

Christmas Decorations

This wall hanging I think was given by Rob’s Step-dad’s parents, but I honestly don’t remember for sure. I’ll have to look on the back and see if I wrote on it.

Christmas Decorations

I still have lots to talk about. In fact I realized I haven’t taken pictures of everything yet, like I thought I had. We’ll see how much I can talk about before Christmas comes and passes!

So I’ll ask again…What’s your favorite Christmas decoration?

Christmas Decor 2008 Part 1Part 3Part 4

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