13 Layer Dip

Thirteen Random Things You Like Doing:
1. surfing net
2. shopping
3. sleeping
4. playing with my kids
5. watching my kids learn
6. reading magazines
7. traveling
8. cruising
9. cleaning
10. teaching
11. eating
12. going to Auburn sports
13. taking baths

Twelve Movies You Own
1. Jerry Maguire
2. True Lies
3. Zeus & Roxanne
4. Star Wars
5. Shrek
6. Shall We Dance
7. Spiderman
8. Shrek 2
9. Fluke
10. Soccer Dog
11. The Fugitive
12. Free Willie

Eleven Good Bands/Artists
1. Elton John
2. Sting
3. Chicago
4. Toto
5. Gavin Degraw
6. Josh Groban
7. The Killers
8. U2
9. Meatloaf
10. Jessica Simpson (lol)
11. Billy Joel

Ten Favorite Fictional Characters
1. Sponge Bob
2. Jimmy Neutron
3. Erica Cain
4. Tim the Tool Man
5. Jerry Maquire
6. Danny on Without a Trace
7. Greenlee on AMC
8. Ryan on AMC
9. Kendall on AMC
10. Gomer Pile

Nine Things You Watch on TV
1. CSI
2. Without a Trace
3. Amazing Race
4. Survivor
5. Fear Factor
6. The O’Reilly Factor
7. 30 Minute Meals
8. $40 a Day
9. Home Improvement

Eight Favorite Foods/Drinks
1. Diet Coke
2. Chocolate
3. Ravioli
4. Chick-fil-a nuggets and waffle fries
5. Pizza
6. Dr. Pepper
7. Ice Cream
8. Mexican food

Seven Things About You Physically
1. red hair
2. hazel eyes
3. deer shaped birthmark on arm
4. 2 toenail-less toes
5. long, fast growing nails
6. fat
7. thin lips

Things You Wear Often
1. black
2. capris
3. t-shirts
4. big and baggy clothes
5. shorts
6. flipflops

Five Things That Annoy You
1. abnoxious people
2. Walmart
3. Lazy people (like people who drop people off at the door at walmart and get in every one elses way and have no reguard for anyone else!)
4. being fat
5. no motivation to lose weight

Four Dream Jobs
1. stay at home mom
2. Traveling Critic of some sort
3. job at Fox News
4. job on Food Network

Three Favorite (Types) Animals
1. Koala Bears
2. Corgis
3. Hamsters

Two Places You Wish You Were Right Now
1. in Bed sleeping
2. on a cruise

One person you could spend the rest of your life with
1. Rob


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