What’s Up Wednesday – March 2020

What’s Up Wednesday – March 2020

Well here we are again finishing up another month. Today I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

What's Up Wednesday - March 2020

What We’re Eating
Well since we’ve been all at home more or less I’ve been even more on top of menu planning, because I’m planning not only dinner like I usually do, but also lunches. With all the social distancing, we stopped eating out even before our state closed all restaurants except for drive thrus and take out orders. I’ve been using not only my recipes, but also Show Me the Yummy, Wholesome Recipe Box, Damn Delicious, Simply Happy Foodie, and of course, Plain Chicken.

What I’m Reminiscing About
Our Spring Break, which was just a few weeks ago. I’m still working on that post, but hope to have that up soon. When we got back that Wednesday is when everything started getting cancelled, from the SEC Basketball Tournament to the SEC Opening Weekend when Auburn was supposed to host Texas A&M. Talk about some upset boys and husband. From there it was all downhill…canceling of MBA, public schools extending Spring Break, Online teaching for Auburn, working from home. What a crazy last couple of weeks. It honestly feels like we’ve been doing this for ages.

What I’m Loving
I really am enjoying working from home and being able to cook lunch and dinner for the family. I know this is forcing us to not eat out and is saving us money.

What We’ve Been Up To
Rob is still going into the office. He’s also going into church on Sundays to put up lyrics for the online only service.

I’m working down in my home office and I’ve been going to the physical therapist. Last week I finally got a diagnosis of a bulging dish on my L5S1, for you medical folks out there. He says it’s moderate on the right side (hence the excruciating pain) and mild on the left side (pain I had last summer).

Drew and Alex are playing lots of video games and hanging out. We’ve been trying to get stuff done around the house. Alex is supposed to be practicing for upcoming band placement audition as well as reading To Kill a Mockingbird, and studying for ACT. Not sure how much of that is actually getting done.

What I’m Dreading
I’m not sure about what I’m dreading. I think just dreading the unknown of everything with this COVID 19/Corona.

What I’m Working On
Well, before I couldn’t actually work in my home office, I had to get it cleaned. This room all though I’d love to update the furniture, it brings so much joy. So many of the things I’ve collected over the years are in here.

What I’m Excited About
Our new dog Kaleigh, which I’ll probably write a post about her and our trip to go get her this last weekend. You can follow her Instagram here. 😉 When Daisy died I wished I would have chronicled her life better, so for Kayleigh I’m going to post several times a week with pics and videos.

What I’m Watching/Reading
Not currently reading anything. As for what I’m watching look for my Memories of the Month post coming soon, where I’ll list what I watched this month.

What I’m Listening To
I have found a fascination with True Crime podcasts of all sorts. I’m just started listening to The Clearing

What I’m Wearing
I’m working from home so it’s usually just t-shirts and shorts. Today I’m wearing a Beatles t-shirt.

What I’m Doing This Weekend
Not sure. Probably helping cut plywood to put in a 2nd part of our attic so I can store some of the stuff I’ve had in my office. Several of the bins are full of seasonal decor that I only need certain times of the year.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
Hmmm…Well not sure when life is going to return to normal. Don’t think that will be next month, but I sure would love at least some stuff to be more normal.

What Else is New
Nothing else that I can think of. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. How are you fairing with all this Corona stuff going on?

In case you missed last month…February’s What’s Up Wednesday


  1. Nice job on the tidying up. We’ve been working on closets. Your puppy is not looking particularly happy about the social distancing – so cute!

  2. I’m late in catching up with my WUW reading.

    One thing I do like about this quarantine is we are saving a lot of money by not being able to go anywhere! That’s one bright side…

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