Week 49:2023

By | December 14, 2023

Here we are for another highlight post for week Dec. 4-10 2023

Old couches

2023-12-04 11.52.24

New couches…They very much look the same, but they are different brands. We’re just happy to have firmer couches that aren’t so dilapidated.


We got our yard smoothed out and resodded.

2023-12-07 15.50.43

2023-12-07 15.50.57

To God be the Glory! What a beautiful sunset I got to see one night when I was out getting some shopping done.

2023-12-07 16.58.47

Every year at my work holiday lunch, they draw names for door prizes. In the 12 years, I’ve been here I’ve never won. I finally won!! I picked out this pretty tree.

2023-12-07 12.45.11

Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Orchestra were at the Gogue one night.

2023-12-07 18.43.08

New stockings and added the new member of the family in the mix.

2023-12-08 20.27.31

This year many Christmas decor items including our Christmas tree had to go in a different spot since we have Rob’s Gramma’s dining table in our front room. We wanted something in the window since the tree wasn’t going to be there. Rob ordered a pencil tree that would fit inside the bay window.

2023-12-09 10.27.46

We made it our Auburn tree, so it has all the Auburn University ornaments and orange and blue balls on it.

2023-12-09 11.37.25

Saturday night we went to the Opelika Victorian Porch Tour. It was supposed to rain and be yucky so many of the performances were cancelled. We just walked the loop.

2023-12-09 19.03.27

2023-12-09 18.13.57

2023-12-09 18.37.48

2023-12-09 18.27.42

2023-12-09 18.39.41

2 thoughts on “Week 49:2023

  1. Joanne

    Yay for new couches and a new lawn too. So glad the work was done before you fixed the lawn from the last time.


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