Week 37 & 38:2023

Week 37 & 38:2023

Happy Monday, yall! I feel like I blinked and the weekend was over. I’m tired this morning. Here we are for a double of my weekly highlights (Sept. 11-17 & 18-24). I don’t feel like the last 2 weeks have been that eventful at least that’s not what’s showing up on my iphone camera rolls.

Alex and Madison came over to discuss a potential cruise at Christmas. The night before Alex had to go to the ER to get 4 stitches in his forehead from a shelf falling on him at work. He’s ok, but sitting in the ER for 4 hours is no fun. After our discussion Rob went to campus and I followed behind a couple hours later. Alex brought me to his apartment which is right across the street from campus so I walked to the stadium from there. On my way to the stadium, we saw <Aurea (our War Eagle) get escorted in.

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From there I made my way down for more pregame festivities. Lots of people!

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And then the game. We beat Samford 45-14

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I am still enduring the pottery wheel class. I’m a bit frustrated with the teacher. I feel like she showed us a couple things and then was like go watch YouTube. Each week I’m having to really think about what I need to improve for the next week to get better and I am somewhat improving, but its not easy.

Here are my creations from week 3.

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Here’s my teacher making a vase.

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Our wall last week at work was draw Aubie week. Here’s my attempt…

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Rob and I are going to the Men’s/Women’s Bible study at Trinity every Wednesday now and we make it a little date night and go eat somewhere in Opelika afterwards. Last week we went to Irish Bread Pub. Mine was really good!

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The garden is starting to die off, but we’re still getting some tomatoes and flowers.

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Lots of pictures of my pets…since the boys aren’t around as much these days.

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I’m also trying to make sure I’m getting my 5 days of walking in now that it’s a little cooler. I’ve also been bringing Kayleigh for short walk afterwards.

2023-09-22 16.21.00


  1. Looks like a fun game to watch! Frustrating about your lack of feedback and instruction from your pottery class, but I like your pieces!

  2. Joanne

    That lack of instruction would annoy me too; it reminds me of a swimming class we signed our boys up for where the teacher told me I was encouraged to teach him how to swim and I remember arguing that if I wanted to teach him to swim I wouldn’t have paid for him to take her swimming class!

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