Week 32:2023

Week 32:2023

Here we are for another weekly post. (August 7th-13th, 2023)

I use Walmart pickup. I was so excited to see on the app recently where they give you the option to not have them put everything in bags. So I ended up ordering these and I really like them. So easy to bring inside and unload.

2023-08-04 15.06.59

The weekend before school started we went and heard the marching band play through all their stand tunes. It always gets us so excited for football.

2023-08-05 19.35.13

Drew, Caitlyn, and Bigsby came. We also brought Kayleigh.

2023-08-05 19.41.30

2023-08-05 19.38.39

We finally got our hands on some of this Dr. Pepper float ice cream and shared with some of the fam after our Sunday lunch. It’s really good.

2023-08-06 11.29.52

The new Amsterdam opened up near our house. Same quality, just not the really high end dinners that you get at the other Amsterdam. This is the Greek bowl with chicken.

2023-08-07 18.40.32

On my walk the other day, I saw the neighborhood turkey.

2023-08-10 17.40.09

On Sunday, a friend who’s currently stationed in Columbus, GA for a year came over and we showed him around Auburn University’s Campus.

Views from the Eagle’s nest

2023-08-13 18.11.34

2023-08-13 17.35.49

2023-08-13 17.26.23

2023-08-13 17.27.15

Since Rob is an ‘access’ guy on campus, he is able to get into lots of cool places like the…

Football locker room

2023-08-13 18.30.32

Football recruiting center

2023-08-13 18.27.09

2023-08-13 18.24.55

It was a pretty good week. How was yours?


  1. That is really cool about the access tour from your husband AND the bagless Walmart order! Have a good week!

  2. Joanne

    It really is such a beautiful campus!

  3. How is your search for a new church going? Have you settled on one? My sister’s church voted to look into separating from United Methodist. It sounds like a very long process and they can change their collective minds if they get so far into the process and want to stay with United Methodist after all.

    How fun to get behind the scenes peeks at places like the football dressing room!! Very cool. I am going to a University of Tennessee ballgame for the first time in years – probably since I graduated in 1979!! I will be visiting my sister – we both graduated from UT – the end of September and we are going to a game together. So much fun. Here’s to a good season for both of our teams.

    Have you tried the Monster Cookie Dough by Blue Bell? Oh, my gravy. It was very expensive but I loved it.

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