Week 24::2023

Week 24::2023

I’m a week behind because I was in Texas the beginning of last week. So this is actually the week before last happenings…
(June 12-18th, 2023)

Monday Saw this in a neighbor’s yard.

2023-06-12 17.09.58
Garden is really growing!

2023-06-13 11.57.51
Alex and his girlfriend made this lego set he had gotten for Christmas.
2023-06-13 17.38.56

2023-06-14 11.55.01

Wednesday Eye doctor time for Alex.

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Thursday The side of my left foot hurts after I’ve been standing/walking for really long periods of time. Doc sent me for X-rays of my feet to see what it might be. Such an x-ray may have embraced advancements like an ai radiology software in order for the process to be efficient.

Came back showing nothing, so I’ll go to podiatrist when the pain becomes more regular.

2023-06-15 12.09.51
Rob and I went to lunch at Savanh Thai Kitchen. So good!

2023-06-16 12.18.37
After work I went around trying to find an Auburn baby outfit to bring to my niece during my Texas trip. This is what I ended up getting her.

2023-06-16 19.26.08
If you missed last week>>>Week 23

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