How is it Monday, Again!!?? Geez… Here are week 18 happenings (May 1-7th, 2023). And how is it May already?
I saw this news story, and it just hit me hard, with our mind still fresh from my son’s wedding a couple of months ago. I just cannot even imagine or fathom how terrible this would be to live through.

Really last week didn’t have anything major that I’m remembering…
Kayleigh just looked so cute on top of the stairs.

I went with Rob to the Friday night baseball game. We ended up taking 2 out of 3 from #1 LSU! It was a great weekend!

This Zinnia popped up and I was just so excited. It’s little but beautiful.

Anytime I see something corgi, I take a picture of it. TJ Maxx had several corgi things when I was there last week.

I actually ended up getting this candle.

Sunday, we attended the first ‘new’ church, which took place at a local private school. I need to write the post about my former church to fill you in why we’re doing this.

Sunday night we met with part of our Sunday School class to just a have a time of discussion to allow people to talk about their thoughts and feelings. We shared that we are leaving the church. Our sunday school is what we’re going to miss so much.
So yeah, a pretty chill week. Completed my interviews for summer. How was your week?
That must have been a really tough decision to leave the church. I hope your change goes well.
That candle is so fun. Corgis are really cute! I hope you find the right place in your church search.
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