Week 11::2023

Week 11::2023

Hey yall! How’s everyone today? Here we are for another week of highlights.

Finally got some seeds started.

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These are the new seeds I got for this year.

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Seeing this cutie every morning never gets old.

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Wild hair

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Rob’s grandfather passed away on Thursday at his home in Florida. He was 93. It’s been a long time coming. He was Irish, so in celebration of St. Patty’s day and his life, Rob got some Irish Whiskey. Friday night we had a little of that and just spent time thinking and talking about him. We know he is happy to be reunited with his wife of 75+ years. Here’s a sweet picture of them in 2016 when we celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

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Sheet pan dinner with cauliflower rice.

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Saturday morning, Rob and I loaded up the car with several bins and boxes of wedding stuff we had borrowed and made a trip up to Newnan, GA to return it all to our friends who had graciously offered to let us use any and all of the wedding stuff from their daughter’s wedding.

We went out to lunch at Meat N Greet with them before heading home.

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I don’t have a picture of my living room, but it’s nearly completely cleared out from all the wedding stuff…finally!

Our church was decked out with tulips Sunday for a concert. It was gorgeous!

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  1. I LOVE all the tulips! And I’m sorry you are mourning Rob’s grandfather but that sounds like a pretty good way to celebrate his life.

  2. Joanne

    So sorry to read about the loss for your family; but it does sound like he lived a nice long life. Those tulips all over the church are just gorgeous!

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