Wednesday – Wedding Week

Wednesday – Wedding Week

I’m doing a day by day recap for part of Wedding Week. So here we go…

Wednesday, I only worked for a couple hours. I was feeling overwhelmed at all I had left to do before Thursday, which was the day we were set to start decorating the reception hall. Alex came over that afternoon to meet up with one of the grooms men’s mom who was dropping stuff off for the lake house, which is where Drew, and Alex and several of the grooms men were going that night for the bachelor party Wednesday and Thursday. We also cleared out all the Christmas stuff that hadn’t been put away yet.

I also had a list of things to get done, like fold the programs and label the actual dessert containers, just to name a couple things.

Caitlyn dropped Bigsby off until after they get back from their honeymoon in a week and half.

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That afternoon, I went to Opelika to pick up the Auburn cookies for the welcome bags.


This is how many living room has looked recently…minus Bigsby.


Caitlyn and her matron of honor checked in to the AirBnB here in town.


That evening we went and got our nails done.



It was mine and Rob’s mom’s first time to ever have our nails done by someone else. We just got them painted.



the Matron of Honor


Afterwards we went to Takoyaki for dinner. Caitlyn’s Dad, cousin, and Pawpaw met us there.


Like I said, while we were doing all this Drew and some of his grooms men were at the lake house getting the bachelor festivities underway. I don’t have any pics of this…which is probably a good thing. 😉


  1. Oh, I can’t wait to read about the rest of wedding week! I’ve only gotten my nails done once or twice but I LOVE getting pedicures, even if I haven’t had one for quite awhile!

  2. Joanne

    What a fun “start” to wedding week! I’ve had my nails done two more times since my wedding… but that’s about it. I love having them done but rarely bother to go. A wedding is a perfect excuse!!

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