Watching on YouTube (Spring 23)

Watching on YouTube (Spring 23)

As I’m trying to catch up on posts like Watching & Listening that I recently shared>>> Nov22-April23, I knew I was behind on YouTube posts too. When looking back I realized it was April of last year when I did that last post! Geez! Um…ok…

So I’m going to recap what I’ve watched on a regular basis on YouTube so far this year like I did last year. I’ve broken each category down to still watching, newly added channels, and just watch here and there.

What I Watched on YouTube


Still Watch Regularly
Kara and Nate [3.48M subscribers – 910 Videos] As their YouTube About page says…At the beginning of 2022, Kara and Nate moved out of the van and back into suitcases full-time. They’re currently having fun bouncing around the globe chasing our passions and interesting stories.
The Endless Adventure [576K subscribers – 825 Videos] Eric and Allison are a traveling couple that enjoy finding cool places and amazing food. They recently got their renovated Winnebago named Clementine back up and running hopefully for good this time. They keep hinting around that they might purchase a house to host on AirBnB or something. That would be cool!

Newly Added Channels
Chris and Sara [192K subscribers – 202 Videos] I’m taking their synopsis straight from their about page on YouTube because it’s so well written: This husband and wife duo from Chattanooga, Tennessee began their 4 year adventure traveling to all 50 states in our DIY Sprinter van with the end goal of traveling more internationally. Their channel is dedicated to capturing the memories of their travels while also sharing stories of the people and places we meet along the way. No clickbait, no bikini thumbnails, no racing to check countries off on a checklist, just authentic storytelling (usually involving travel).

Just Watch Here and There
Mr and Mrs Adventure [109K subscribers – 325 Videos] Brittany and Drew have traveled the world for the last 8+ years much of that in some type of rolling home. However, they recently purchased property in Portugal and I have kind of quit watching. I’m sure I’ll go back and catch up with what’s going on but just found myself not drawn to their channel like before.
Raya and Louis [154K subscribers – 118 Videos] Raya and Louis got married last year and just had a baby boy. Needless to say their lives have changed from traveling the world. They are posting less regularly and I have quit watching as well. I think after this life transition they will start posting more and I’ll probably end up watching it regularly again.

What I Watched on YouTube


Still Watch Regularly
Michel Janse [193K subscribers – 779 Videos] Michel is a mid-20’s girl who moved back to Texas after a divorce. She vlogs about thrifting, cooking gluten free, and basically just life in general. She also shares about her long-distance boyfriend, singer/songwriter, Jordy Sercy.
Monica Church [1.55M subscribers – 196 Videos] // Monica Church Vlogs [14.7K subscribers – 13 videos] I’ve been watching Monica for years and she’s changed up her channels. I don’t watch her main channel much, but I do watch her vlogging channel on a regular basis. She vlogs about life with her cute dog, Cow, and her boyfriend. She lives in Seattle, but travels some too.

Newly Added Channels
Michelle Reed [459K subscribers – 723 Videos] Michelle Reed, a 20-something living in Dallas, TX, who shares lifestyle content that includes her Christian faith, living more minimally, and developing health and fitness habits! And she’s got a really cute dog.
Allison Bickerstaff [369K subscribers – 594 Videos] Another 20-something vlogger, Allison lives in Orlando, FL. She vlogs about life, food, crafts, shopping, and more.
Jenna Phipps [556K subscribers – 312 Videos] Jenna is a recently divorced chic who is quite quirky, which I find totally endearing. She shares about moving on her own, furnishing her new apartment, and sewing/crocheting.
Stephi Lee [276K subscribers – 142 Videos] Stephi Lee was born with a life-threatening disease called Cystic Fibrosis. Her life completely changed in late 2019, when Trikafta, the first ever drug to successfully treat CF came out. It is an absolute miracle that it came out when it did, because she says she wouldn’t be here if not. She lives an interesting life with a couple cute dogs. Check her out!
Carrie Rad [303 subscribers – 475 Videos] Carrie lives on a beautiful rural homestead in New Zealand, where she vlogs about homesteading, gardening, living more sustainably, growing your own food, how to build a vegetable garden, and so much more.
Darling Desi [299K subscribers – 87 Videos] Beautiful, vintage videos shared by a Desi with several cats. She shares about living the cozy life and recently relocated to New England, if memory serves.

Just Watch Here and There
Isabel Paige [807K subscribers – 174 Videos] If I’m being honest, I kind of got tired of Isabel’s vague video titles. Her videos have just not held my interest lately. In fact, I really can’t even give a good channel synopsis because I don’t know what’s really going on with her lately.
Eamon & Bec [1.19M subscribers – 369 Videos] Eamon and Bec are so fun. They’ve been hanging in Mexico in the van until recently when they drove back up to Canada for Bec to have some checkups to make sure all is good with her cancer. They also said they’re not doing vanlife anymore because of their tea company they just launched.

What I Watched on YouTube


Still Watch Regularly
Roots and Refuge [598K subscribers – 1.2K Videos] Jess and Miah is are homesteaders in the midlands of South Carolina, where they raise their large family and vlog about life on a farm and starting a business in their nearby community of Batesburg-Leesville, SC.
Cosmopolitan Cornbread used to be known as A Good Life Farm [51.2K subscribers – 749 Videos] – Constance is a homesteader who recently made a huge move from Alabama to Arkansas! I’m sad I never got to meet her in person. Anyway, I enjoy following along with her life. Her videos include home cooking, homestead life, garden tours, and devotionals.

Newly Added Channels
Miah’s Workshop [23.7K subscribers – 5 Videos] Miah is Jess’s husband from Roots and Refuge. He started his own channel to share the manly stuff he does on the farm.

Just Watch Here and There
Justin Rhodes [106M subscribers – 2.4K Videos] I kind of dropped off watching Justin’s channel. I still enjoy them, but I think I got behind because he posts pretty much everyday. I want to come back to his channel. It looks like they are starting to add on/do renovations to their house and with a farm and a big family, that should be interesting!

What I Watched on YouTube

Van Lifers

Still Watch Regularly
Maddie Taylor [107K subscribers – 124 Videos] Maddie and her dog, Eliza, live in a self-converted van. Her videos just continue to get better and better.
Linnea & Akela [167K subscribers – 220 Videos] Linnea is another female solo vanlifer that just continues to put out really good videos. This winter her and her boyfriend, Chris challenged themselves to live 4 months totally off-grid in the North Woods of Wisconsin. Surprisingly, I thoroughly enjoyed this series.
Christan Schaffer [235K subscribers – 58 Videos] Christian is also a single female vanlifer, but she travels for her job as an outdoor adventure photographer.

Newly Added Channels
Chris Travels [195K subscribers – 232 Videos] This is Linnea’s boyfriend mentioned above. I started watching his weekly podcasts recapping their time in the north woods.
Sarah Yak [87.8K subscribers – 557 Videos] Another 20-something living in her van. She’s good friends with Maddie Taylor.

Just Watch Here and There
Anna Uncharted [25.1K subscribers – 38 Videos] Anna’s channel is on of my all time favs and if she was still posting regularly, I would be watching. She just hasn’t posted much this year.

What I Watched on YouTube


Newly Added Channels
Sage Lillyman [8.83K subscribers – 105 Videos] This is a vintage inspired channel where Sage share her sewing adventures, vintage housewife projects, all things DIY, vintage house renovations, thrift finds, vintage hair tutorials and outfit look books! Such a unique look at life from back in the day!
Walk and the City [205K subscribers – 183 Videos] Walking tours through New York City with no music or talking just the real sounds of passersby and street sounds.
Action Kid [384K subscribers – 4.2K Videos]
I haven’t ventured too much into this channel. The videos I’ve seen so far are walking tours through cities from different cities. Pretty interesting.

Just Watch Here and There
Shelby Church Vlogs [180K subscribers – 580 Videos] // Shelby Church [1.78M subscribers – 484 Videos] Shelby is venturing into all sort of different things and I just haven’t kept up. I’ve lost interesting really.
Homemade Wanderlust [416K subscribers – 588 Videos] With this channel, I dunno. I haven’t been as interested in her content lately.
Jamie and Sarah [126K subscribers – 180 Videos] This channel used to be more about furniture flipping and house flipping, but is now more about selling pallets of returned stuff from Amazon. That just got kind of old. If they add more stuff back in about their house or Airstream renovations, I’ll pick it back up.
Daily Dose [15.3M subscribers – 562 Videos] Since Alex moved out, I haven’t watched this as much. Only watch when he comes over and asks to watch it together.

So yeah, I watch a lot of YouTube, but it is my go to form of entertainment when I’m hanging out by myself. Do you watch YouTube? Any channels you think I should add?


  1. Thanks for all the YT inspiration. I haven’t been watching as much lately, but will check these out!

  2. Okay, now I want to watch some travel YouTube vloggers. That sounds soooo fun!!!

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