Since we were traveling last Monday, I’m a week behind, but I hope to get my Spring Break post up this week to get caught up. We will see. It’s so hard returning to reality after vacation.
– Alex had to submit his class selections for next year 10th grade, so the 3 of us piled up on my bed and hashed through it.
– Around this time every year at work, the Education librarian puts up a special display of Juvenile/Young Adult award winners for that year. My student workers and I get to go through them all and process them before they go up. It’s fun to look through the titles. I always find lots I want to read.
– I love it when I find a good deal. I found these stickers that can be used for planners, etc.
– We celebrated with Alex for his 15th birthday at a Japanese Steakhouse. Here he is with the pineapple plate.
– Alex went to the dentist. No cavities. Thank goodness! I have had to stay on him about this especially since he got braces. I know people who lost some of their teeth due to cavities but thankfully, they can get implant dentures or Porcelain Dental Crown Installation to restore their smile.
– Alex and his band performed at MPA. They received all superior ratings.
– We packed and headed out for our Spring Break trip on Saturday. Post coming soon.
– In the blink of an eye your life can be turned upside down. Love who you love everyday. Don’t hold grudges. Be thankful for what you have and who you have. You may have heard about the tornadoes that happened on March 3rd in Alabama. 23 people died and 100’s of people lost their homes. This all occurred while Alex, Rob, and I were trying to figure out what classes Alex will take in 10th grade. It happened just about 8 miles from our house. Unbelievable! Just unfathomable what nature can destroy.
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