How are yall doing today? I’m honestly in kind of a funk this morning, but I’m giving my best effort to let it go and be in a good mood. Here’s my weekly recap from last week. 🙂
Last week Hurricane Zeta brought us lots of wind and rain. Wednesday night our power went out about 3am and didn’t come back on until 2:30pm Thursday. That made for an interesting work day since I’m working from home. Luckily I had some paper work to go through and organize. This was a tree that pulled down power lines a few blocks from my house.

I cannot remember what these are, but we have these bushes that line our deck and every fall around this time they produce these beautiful flowers.

Friday night Alex and I watched a movie called Happy Death Day and enjoyed some Mom and son time. It was nice.
Saturday Rob and I went to watched our nieces play LaCrosse. Here’s #2 who is the younger of our 2 nieces (on this side of the family) threw it in for a goal! So exciting!

Saturday night we headed over to my in-laws for a cookout and a bonfire. Auburn did trick or treating Friday night due to the Auburn/LSU home football game Saturday night.

I went to the Gastroenterology that did my endoscopy for my 1 month check up. I liked him a lot more at this appointment than when I met him for my endoscopy. For this appointment, he took his time and didn’t rush in and out like he did at the hospital. He said I would have to get my esophagus stretched every year give or take due to the reflux and the build up of scar tissue. I will stay on my reflux meds, because I believe they are helping. He said this one is safe to be on long term.
Let’s see, last week we got the ball rolling to get an idea of the ‘not so fun’ issue with the house that I mentioned before. We recently were told we had mold in the crawlspace of our house, so we had 2 companies come and look at it and tell us what needs to be done to fix it and how much it will cost. We do have mold and standing water down there, which of course is not good. We’re just lucky that it was caught pretty early and it has not effected the integrity of the joists or sub floor. Its a lot of money to fix, but it could have been double if it wasn’t found early. We have signed a contract with a company and should have an appointment to get it fixed before the end of the year.
I think that sums up everything from last week. Lots of appointments and conversations, but productive. How was your week?
Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World
I think I would be in a similar funk if I had faced all that in one week. Tough news about the esophagus stretching (ugh) and the mold issues. But knowing and doing something is sure better than the alternative. Good for you on the mammogram. I am behind in scheduling mine. Hope things get better this week. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya – The Other Side of the Road
Oh yes, I’m so thankful we figured out that something was going on.
Lots of stuff going on for you! I hope the mold issue doesn’t take up too much time and money. I have a crawlspace too and it’s something I’m paranoid of.
That bonfire is fire though! Such a big one!
My advice is to have it looked at every 6 months to avoid catastrophic situations.