Texas Visit

Texas Visit

After our eventful Christmas Eve and our fairly relaxing Christmas Day, it was full steam ahead headed west! First stop was to see Rob’s sister and family in Longview, TX.

We got there late on Saturday, spent all day Sunday, and left after grabbing breakfast on Monday.

Sunday the kids played outside for a good while and we had lunch at Jucy’s Burgers. Really great burgers and I love that they have all you can eat beans.

Fun with Cousins

Fun with Cousins

Fun with Cousins

Fun with Cousins

Fun with Cousins

Fun with Cousins

Jucy's Burgers

Jucy's Burgers

Jucy's Burgers

Monday Maria and I went to Butcher Shop Bakery for some quiche and cinnamon rolls. Really yummy. While we were gone Rob and the kids loaded the car, so when I got back we enjoyed our breakfast and then jumped in the car headed to Fort Worth.

Always love the view of Dallas’s skyline.
Driving through Dallas

We stopped in at Chan’s Mongolian grill for lunch. It’s similar to Ton’s that we used to go to. Chan’s is closer to where we stay.
Chan's Mongolian Grill

Then it was on to at the Northeast Mall to see Star Wars.
Going to the Northeast Mall to see Star Wars

After star wars, we went over to my mom’s for a visit. We took her to dinner at Rudy’s. After that, exhaustion set in and we went to the hotel for some shut eye.

The next morning we got up and drove to Weatherford to visit. We went to my sister’s house. My brother’s 4 oldest kids had spent the night with her. Not too long after getting there the cousins went out to play in the snow.
Cousins playing in the snow

They came inside and I got this group shot.
Hanging out where it's warmer
Hole in Fun

Then, it was off to Braum’s for Ice Cream. My nephew informed us he thought Braum’s was where all the “old ladies go.” Wonder what my Granny would have said in response to that.
Eating at Braum's

Nikki and me

After leaving Weatherford, we drove down to Huntsville, Tx to visit Rob’s Dad and Stepmom. ON the way down we stopped in Madisonville for a visit to Buc-ee’s; the cleanest restrooms in America! This is a crazy large convenience store that will have you not wanting to get back in your car during that road trip. I also grabbed some History of Texas Books to read along the way.


Our first morning in Huntsville, we went to Fresh Donuts. I really enjoyed the donuts and kolaches. We got them to go and took them with us next door to McDonald’s and ate there with our with our cheap McDonald’s drinks.

Rob’s Dad and Step mom took the boys shopping for Christmas. Rob and I tagged along. For lunch, we enjoyed some amazing home cooking at Farmhouse Cafe.
Farm House Cafe

The next day we got up and caravanned along with Rob’s Dad to Baton Rouge to visit more family there.

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