This just rips my heart out

This morning I found out that one of my student's mother was murdered last night. When he got up he went to wake his mom up and walked through what…


How are y'all? Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We're still in Florida. I left my camera USB cable at home so I'm not able to upload and edit and…

Mr. Destructive

That would be my Alex, my 2 year old. I have a list of things he's done lately that have been completely destructive, but today tops it. I had gone…


I had my post-observation conference this morning about my

Big day tomorrow…

I'm a nervous wreck! I have a huge observation tomorrow with the Asst. Superintendent. I've dreaded this since I was hired. She's a very nice lady, but she shows no…
Halloween 2006 Recap

Halloween 2006 Recap

I took the boys trick 'r treating. They had fun. Drew got tired before Alex did. I was shocked. Drew was hot from his mask that kept shifting where he…