2021 New Year’s Goals Printable

2021 New Year’s Goals Printable

Happy New Year! I've seen so many people saying how they can't wait till 2021 and how they seem think that with the flip of the calendar year that everything…
December Scripture - A - Week

December Scripture-A-Week

Once again I'm late getting this post up. So now that its December, here is your December Scripture-A-Week. I have been so busy the last month that I never got…
November Scripture-A-Week

November Scripture-A-Week

So how are y'all? I'm honestly feeling stressed, but instead of worrying I'm trying to pray and read and study scripture. Being disciplined is so hard when life just takes…
October Scripture-A-Week

October Scripture-A-Week

I just realized this didn't get posted on the 15th like its supposed to. September is probably my craziest month of the year and this year is worse. I take…
September Scripture-A-Week

September Scripture-A-Week

Hey ya'll! Hope everyone is having a great week! Here's your September scripture a week sheet. These can be used to memorize, to post around the house as reminders of…
August Scripture-A-Week

August Scripture-A-Week

Here's the next Scripture a week post for the coming month of August. I know for August much of the south will be returning to school. Teachers, administrators, janitors, bus…
July SQ Scripture - A - Week

July Scripture-A-Week

While thinking of July, I think of how grateful I am to live in America. Even with all the drama and politics, I am happy to be free. So I…
June Scripture - A - Week

June Scripture-A-Week

I feel like it's been forever since I've posted a scripture a week. Not sure why that is. Maybe because end of April and May are just so busy. End…
May Scripture-A-Week

May Scripture-A-Week

I know I say it every year, but this year is just flying by. I don't know why I'm every surprised. How are you doing on your scriptures? Whether you're…
April Scripture-A-Week

April Scripture-A-Week

How are you enjoying Spring? Has it started raining a lot where you are? We haven't had a ton of rain, but I know North Alabama has had an abundance…
Scripture a Week for March

March Scripture-A-Week

How's is going so far for February's Scripture-A-Week? If you're not familiar with how Scripture-A-Week works check out my post here. I'll have to say I started off great! I…
February Scripture-a-Week

February Scripture-a-Week

How are you coming along so far with your Scripture-A-Week? So far I am doing great. I have found myself thinking about it quite a few times throughout the day.…
January Scripture-a-Week

January Scripture-a-Week

With the upcoming year just around the corner, I've been thinking about my goals, plans, and dare I say, resolutions for the new year. One of the things I want…
This Week I Will...(Printable)

Keeping Up with Your Goals

Remember back when we brainstormed about the new year? Many of you expressed you'd like a way to keep yourself accountable, so I finally came up with a printable sheet…
Kids’ New Years Resolutions

Kids’ New Years Resolutions

I've dedicated several posts the last few weeks to making goals for the New Year. I thought it would be great for my kids to reflect and set a few…

What’s Your Word 2015?

Y'all I have been out of town for 11 days and it is so difficult getting back in the swing of things. I was honestly not ready to go back…
Making New Year's Resolutions!

New Year’s Resolutions 2015

Happy 2015! How can that be? With every new year, I try to look at it as fresh new beginning. Whether I make new years resolutions or not, I think…
Brainstorming About the New Year - Printable - Planning for New Year - This Year I Will

Planning for New Year

Planning for New Year Have you started thinking about the new year? I know Christmas is smack dab around the corner and this year has absolutely flown by! I just…

2007 Predictions

Since I did it last year, I figured, hey why not do it again! 1. I will survive this school year and I will get tenure. 2. We will get…

My 2006 Predictions

Did my 2006 Predictions happen? 10 on Tuesday - 2006 Predictions 1. My friend, Katie, will get pregnant. - Yes, and she has 3 healthy girls now. 2. Alex will…