My 2006 Predictions

By | December 26, 2006

Did my 2006 Predictions happen?

10 on Tuesday – 2006 Predictions
1. My friend, Katie, will get pregnant. – Yes, and she has 3 healthy girls now.
2. Alex will be potty trained by the end of the year. – Uhhh…no! (Haven’t pushed it)
3. Rob and I will go on a great trip together! – No
4. I will be healthier at the end of the year, because I will exercise and eat better. – No
5. My pinched nerve pain will be resolved. – It’s better, but not ‘resolved’.
6. I will train myself to be more patient. – Uhhh…no!
7. I will reach 500 blog entries by the end of the year. – Yes
8. I will make drinking water a habit. – No
9. I will make some great iMovies. – Yes!
10. I’ll be successful at preparing children for middle school. – Yes

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