Friday Feast #3

Appetizer What movie soundtracks do you own? Hmm..I own quite a few soundtracks. The ones I can think off the top of my head are: Dirty Dancing El Dorado Aida…

Friday Feast #2

Appetizer Name a trait you share with your parents or your children. I've realized lately that my 2 year old how observant he is. He notices change quickly. That's a…

Friday Feast #1

Appetizer Name 3 things that you think are strange. People who think they should use a turn signal when the car in front of them is turning and they're not.…

26 Random Questions and Answers

Got this from Monica:

1. You have $10 and need to buy snacks at a gas station; what do you buy? Diet Coke and M&M’s

2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be? a seahorse…so the men can carry the babies!

3. Who’s your favorite redhead? My sister, Nikki

Four Real…

Four jobs you've had in your life: Braums in high school and during the summers while in college. I did everything from cook to stocker to cashier to ice cream…

A Year In Review 2005

A Year In Review:

1. Did you have a new year’s resolution this year? I’m sure I did…
2. Who kissed you at midnight? Rob
3. Does it snow where you live? Snow? What’s that?
4. Do you like hot chocolate? kind of
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? No.

My Experience at Riverdance

For those that know me well know that my love for dancing is profound. I started dancing when I was 3 years old. I danced up through high school on…

ABC’s of Me…

Saw this on Paige's blog! Felt like doing a meme! Act your age? I think so. Born on what day of the week? I think Friday. Chore you hate? Mopping.…

I’m From…

I found this from CJ's Site. Thought I do it... I am from peanut butter, from Bounce Laundry Softner and Legos. I am from the 2 story house, loving, funny,…

50 Questions

1. Your name spelled backwards: natsrl (not going to use my real name) 2. Where were your parents born? Fort Worth, TX 3. What is the last thing you downloaded…