Tag Archives: march 2013

Memories of the Month {3.2013}

By | March 31, 2013

This month I was happy about: Drew making Honor’s Band for next year. This month I was sad about: the Elton John concert cancelled 2 hours before the concert. Something I accomplished this month was: getting my bedroom clean and organized. Something new I did was: get an anti-biotic shot. Don’t think I’ve ever had… Read More »

Memories of the Month {2.2013}

By | March 3, 2013

Where is this year going?!? Really? How are we done with February already? So yah, I’m a little late posting this… This month I was happy about: because I have felt such a closeness to God lately…need to write about this. This month I was sad furious about: having people say they’re going to help… Read More »

Library Story #7

By | March 1, 2013

Turkey Baaaster Ok, I have a work story for ya. It’s actually from back in January, but my student just reminded me about it. One of my student workers, Kelsey, was starting to read her textbook for her medical ethics class. She was in the introduction part of the book, where it referred to something… Read More »