Drew’s Room

During the month of June, Drew and I worked to get his room clean. Here's what we did: -made three piles of clothes (keep, keepsakes, pass down to Alex) The…

Scripture Picture {Psalm 16:11}

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. ~Psalm 16:11 I love photography…
Memories of the Month {6.2012}

Memories of the Month {6.2012}

This month I was happy about: being able to spend time with family and friends. This month I was sad that: Drew won't be playing Auburn Thunder any more. Somethings…
Date Night in Decatur

Date Night in Decatur

Yesterday, we dropped the kids off so that they could hang out with their Uncle Nick while Rob and I escaped for a date night in Decatur, GA. One of…

Scripture Picture {Proverbs 23:12}

Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. ~Proverbs 23:12 I love photography and love the Bible. What's better than putting the 2 things together, right?…

80’s party

A few weeks ago, we went to our friend's 40th Birthday party. It was 80's Themed. We scrounged around an hour before the party. I was lucky enough to come…
Becoming a Better Leader

Becoming a Better Leader

Last week, Teenager was away at his first camp of the summer. We dropped him off on Sunday at Camp Jamison which is part of Camp Bert Adams, the wilderness…


Last week, Drew was away at his first camp of the summer. We dropped him off on Sunday at Camp Jamison which is part of Camp Bert Adams, the wilderness…
Pine Mountain Day Hike

Pine Mountain Day Hike

A few weeks ago, actually it was the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, we got up and decided to go over to Pine Mountain for a day hike. We packed…
Boy Scout Open House

Boy Scout Open House

Teenager's Boy Scout Troop has been using part of the upstairs offices in Rob's company's building. As a thank you to Rob's company, the Troop put on an Open House…
Pack Meeting {Soccer Belt Loop}

Pack Meeting {Soccer Belt Loop}

Tonight we were out at the soccer fields for our Cub Scout Pack Meeting. During the Summer, we're much more laid back and try and do something fun, easy, but…

Scripture Picture {Isaiah 40:8}

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. ~Isaiah 40:8 (NKJV) I love photography and love the Bible. What's better than putting the 2…