Fun Mummy Magnet - great for kids of all ages!

Mummy Magnet {Halloween craft}

This mummy magnet is so easy, but still fun for kids of all ages. As a former teacher, I understand when you need a little something to fill time, whether it be in the classroom, at a party, or just at home one rainy afternoon. Having these few materials on hand, could be a life saver! It makes for a cute little magnet on the fridge to bring back those fun fall memories.

Mummy Magnet {Halloween craft}

Fun Mummy Magnet - great for kids of all ages!

Makes: 1
Making Time: 10-20 minutes depending on age

Wooden ice cream spoon
White glue
2 googly eyes
1 magnet (or instead of making a magnet you can use a safety pin if you prefer to show it off with your favorite Halloween shirt)
5-6 White Jersey potholder loops or 1 old white shoe lace

Mummy Pin/Magnet

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