Tag Archives: 2018

May Scripture-A-Week

By | April 15, 2018

I know I say it every year, but this year is just flying by. I don’t know why I’m every surprised. How are you doing on your scriptures? Whether you’re memorizing them, just keeping them nearby for encouragement throughout the week, or using them for bible journaling, it is great to have some scriptures that… Read More »

Spring Training 2018

By | April 2, 2018

Earlier this month we ventured back down to Florida for another Spring Training trip. This year we went to 3 parks; two of which we have not been to. Here’s a quick rundown of each place and tons of pics! We left Auburn after work on Friday and got to Rob’s Gramma’s house in Spring… Read More »

Peach Cobbler Muffin Bites

By | March 29, 2018

Recently I needed to bring something for a potluck breakfast. I wanted something new and different. I came up with these Peach Cobbler Muffin Bites. While it’s not quite peach season around here, I’m happy to come up with a recipe that can use canned peaches that way we can enjoy peachy goodness all year… Read More »

Currently | March 2018

By | March 7, 2018

It’s time for another currently post with Anne and Sarah. /planning/ We leave for our annual Spring Training trip this Friday. So I am planning on enjoying some Florida sun and hopefully be able to relax some. /seeing/ With the super warm weather that’s popped up in February, we’re /seeing/ lots of flowers blooming already.… Read More »

March Scripture-A-Week

By | February 15, 2018

How’s is going so far for February’s Scripture-A-Week? If you’re not familiar with how Scripture-A-Week works check out my post here. I’ll have to say I started off great! I had my scriptures written in several places the first few weeks. I put it in my car, on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror. I… Read More »

Currently | February 2018

By | February 6, 2018

/currently/ hanging with my nieces and nephews while my sis-in-law and brother-in-law go to an appointment. It’s funny when the 4 yo tells me something and then says, “but don’t ask Mommy!” /finishing/ editing pictures from the Youth Winter Retreat from this past weekend. /subscribing/ to lots of Youtubers. Here’s a few of my favs… Read More »

February Scripture-a-Week

By | January 15, 2018

How are you coming along so far with your Scripture-A-Week? So far I am doing great. I have found myself thinking about it quite a few times throughout the day. When I’m starting to feel stressed or sad for one reason or another I refer back to scripture sheet for encouragement. I love having these… Read More »