Enchilada Stack

Enchilada Stack

Cinco De Mayo is just around the corner, so I'm rolling out a few Mexican recipes for you to consider for your Cinco De Mayo menu. My family doesn't like…
May Scripture-A-Week

May Scripture-A-Week

I know I say it every year, but this year is just flying by. I don't know why I'm every surprised. How are you doing on your scriptures? Whether you're…
Spring Training Trip :: Twins ~ Red Sox ~ Braves

Spring Training 2018

Earlier this month we ventured back down to Florida for another Spring Training trip. This year we went to 3 parks; two of which we have not been to. Here's…
Spring Bucket List 2018

Spring Bucket List 2018

Who's excited that Spring is here? I know many places around the country are still knee deep in snow. I am praying that in a couple weeks when Rob and…
April Scripture-A-Week

April Scripture-A-Week

How are you enjoying Spring? Has it started raining a lot where you are? We haven't had a ton of rain, but I know North Alabama has had an abundance…
Currently | March 2018

Currently | March 2018

It's time for another currently post with Anne and Sarah. /planning/ We leave for our annual Spring Training trip this Friday. So I am planning on enjoying some Florida sun…
Scripture a Week for March

March Scripture-A-Week

How's is going so far for February's Scripture-A-Week? If you're not familiar with how Scripture-A-Week works check out my post here. I'll have to say I started off great! I…
Currently - February 2018

Currently | February 2018

/currently/ hanging with my nieces and nephews while my sis-in-law and brother-in-law go to an appointment. It's funny when the 4 yo tells me something and then says, "but don't…
Happy 20th Birthday, Drew!

Happy 20th Birthday, Drew!

Dear Drew, As I reminisce back to your first days, I remember getting up with you at all hours of the night. I would often turn the radio on as…
Chicken and Bacon Pasta

Chicken & Bacon Pasta

I was super excited to throw this recipe together. However, when I placed it on the table my kids weren't thrilled about the peas and carrots in this recipe. I…
Snow Days 2018

Snow Days 2018

We got word around 10am on Tuesday that there would be no school for Alex the next day. Rob, Drew, and I didn't hear about our work and school until…
Pizza Topped Pasta

Pizza Topped Pasta

You know I was thinking the other day when I was cooking some pasta about back when I was growing up. If you've been reading my blog for awhile you…
February Scripture-a-Week

February Scripture-a-Week

How are you coming along so far with your Scripture-A-Week? So far I am doing great. I have found myself thinking about it quite a few times throughout the day.…
Dorito Chili Bowl - Ready in 15 minutes!

Dorito Chili Bowl

I don't know about you but this cold weather has me wanting to stay at home and not go anywhere. However, everything is getting back into the swing of things,…
Currently - January 2018

Currently | January 2018

Happy New Year y'all! I'm trying a couple different link ups in the new year. One of my favorite blogs is In Residence by Anne. She does a link up…
January Scripture-a-Week

January Scripture-a-Week

With the upcoming year just around the corner, I've been thinking about my goals, plans, and dare I say, resolutions for the new year. One of the things I want…