Bored! Originally uploaded by Lysha This picture was from last week I think. I love playing around with Photo Booth. I thought I'd post this to show my new hair…
I don't have much of an update. I think all my readers have vanished so I haven't been too concerned about updating. My life is still an upside down mess,…
I've been so busy with other things that I haven't been able to post pictures from the party at Toomer's Corner after the win against Florida. Such a SWEET win…
I called this morning to check on Oreo and they said he was eating and jumping around. Yesterday he wouldn't move hardly at all and just laid out. They said…
Drew called me while I was driving home, saying he thought Oreo (his rabbit) was dead. He was crying and it was very traumatic. I got home and looked at…
I saw this over on Zoot's home. Looked fun to me! Coke or Pepsi? Coke In terms of french fries: McDonald’s or Burger King? McDonald’s In terms of sandwiches: McDonald’s…
This has been sitting in my draft box for too long. Just decided to go ahead and publish it. Please excuse any typos! Columbia, SC Wednesday 7/25- Left at 5:00…
Last night was AWESOME! I've never enjoyed a concert as much as this one. Foreigner was great as usual and did an abbreviated show that we saw back in June.…
14! Yes, that's my older boy. Drew is such a teenager already. He's got the attitude, the eye-rolling, the moodiness, and he's nearing the hormone surges. He watches shows like…
Gosh, I think it's been forevah since I've written! I've been drowning in work. I'm quickly getting burnt out, so I'm trying to get ahead and stay ahead so that…
Sorry I've been so MIA lately. I feel like I haven't blogged in ages. Last week I started working on cataloging every single book in my classroom library. Not only…
Yesterday was a busy day. We had family over and went 2 doors down to our neighbors. We ate, drank, visited, and swam. We went to the local fireworks celebration.