Strawberry Crumble

Strawberry Crumble

May is National Strawberry month and I’m super happy about that. I hope to take full advantage of that and try to roll out several easy and yummy strawberry recipes this month. I haven’t met too many people who don’t love strawberries. I know my family can’t get enough of them. One of the recipes on my Recipe Bucket List is a Strawberry Crumble. I found a recipe on Popsugar that looked easy and delicious. I just altered it a bit and increased it to make enough for my family.

Strawberry Crumble

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 27 minutes

4 tbs. sugar, divided
1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 pounds strawberries, chopped
1 tsp. sea salt
1 cup quick cook oats
4 tbs melted butter

Strawberry Crumble
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Whisk together sugar, 1/4 cup of flour, along with the salt. In a bowl. Toss in the strawberries after rinsing and patting dry.
3. Let the strawberry mixture sit for about 10 minutes and allow to thicken.
4. Meanwhile, mix the oats, 1cup flour, and 2 tbs. sugar in another bowl. Add in the melted butter until crumbles form. Don’t allow it to get too clumpy.
5. Put the strawberry mixture evenly into 4 ramekins.
6. Add the crumble mixture over the top of each ramekin.
7. Put the ramekins on a baking dish, because it will bubble over and make a big mess. Bake for 25 minutes and for a browner, crispier top broil for 1-2 minutes. Allow to cool for5-10 minutes before devouring.

~Adapted from Pop Sugar


    • Lysha

      If I could, I would. It’s really is easy. Thanks for stopping by. I’m headed over to your blog to say hi now.

  1. This looks and sounds amazing! I just so happen to have a bunch of strawberries in my freezer from when we went strawberry picking and this sounds like a perfect recipe to try out!

    • Lysha

      Oh strawberry picking is so much fun. Wish we had a farm closer to us.

  2. Ohhhh that looks amazing!! Definitely needs to be part of my summer cooking… And true, I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t like strawberries. Although, my mother thought she didn’t like them and subsequently waited until college to have her first strawberry. Of course she loves them now.

  3. Sounds like something I can pull off! Thanks for sharing. I did not know May was national strawberry month.

    • Lysha

      Thanks. I have a feeling I’ll be able to make this recipe in my sleep soon, because its just so darn good.

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