St. Louis Trip::Day 1

St. Louis Trip::Day 1

St. Louis Trip::Day 1

Rob had a conference he was presenting at, as well as attending in St. Louis back in April. I’ve never been, so I decided to tag along to take full advantage of the paid for hotel room. He had to be there Sunday evening for a meet and greet and since Alex had prom the Saturday before we ended up flying out Sunday morning. We got there in the afternoon, Ubered to the hotel, checked in, and then explored a little bit of the area by foot before he had to go to the meet and greet.

Citygarden Sculpture Park (website)





Busch Stadium We walked from there to Busch Stadium. Rob was really excited to go ahead and check out the area before going to the game the next night. We were able to get some pics around the park without a million people and he able to go ahead and get his cap and ball from the team store.





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After that we had to get back to the hotel so Rob could go to the meet and greet. I stayed in the room and rested. After that we Ubered over to the Hill, which is St. Louis’ Little Italy.

The Hill


We ate at Charlie Gitto’s.


Toasted Ravioli


Gnocci – As much as I’ve tried to love gnocci, I just don’t! The sauce was amazing, but personal preference is a different type of pasta.


Lasagna – I can’t remember, but I think Rob thought it was pretty good. We prefer red sauce that is not sweet and think this was little on the sweet side.


Canoli – This was delish!


I’m trying to knock out as many of these travel posts as I can on the regular (to get caught up). So keep an eye out for the next one. Thanks for reading and commenting! You’re the best.


  1. Joanne

    Sounds like a fun start to the trip!

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