Soccer Tourney 2008::Atlanta, GA

Last night we came up to my in-laws near Atlanta. We visited with them and had dinner. We spent the night and got up this morning and drove to Tucker, Ga for the Triumph Cup Tournament. Drew had a rough day and it was pretty cold. After the game this evening we went to Northlake Mall for a quick snack and then back to the hotel. We had delivery from Golden Sun and watched football. One game tomorrow before lunch and we’re headed home.

I need to get busy editing from the last photo session I did and get that posted by Thanksgiving. I also have a lot of updating to the website, but I’m waiting on the hubby to make some changes first. You can see the latest here. I’ll try not to bore u with all the details of my business here. 🙂 I will try to take some pictures. Today was just too cold to deal the camera.

So what did you do this weekend?


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