
By | November 19, 2008

So yah, I haven’t been on here regularly….really in over a year. Life has had its major ups and down the last year and half. I’ve always believed that God only gives you what you can handle but sometimes I wonder! I’m not going to rehash everything, but I’m sure as I start writing more, more will come out. It’s not that I’m wanting to hide anything, just don’t want to bore you with details.

What I will say is that in May I was laid off right before getting out for summer. Alabama has a serious problem with their funding in education and so it seems that every few years they have major layoffs of non-tenured teachers. It wasn’t a real shocker and really God was looking out for me. I had only been in that system that one year and it was THE worst year of my life career-wise. Getting beat up and cussed at is not rewarding and makes you wonder how anyone would ever want to teach school. I know I came steps away from walking out many days.

So I spent the summer looking for a job, not just teaching, but at the university and other jobs. I wasn’t closing the door to any option, really. I still spend several hours a week looking and calling. I can’t afford to just be a WAHM/SAHM, which is really a bummer. In the mean time I’ve started my own business. Very exciting, but LOTS of work. Most of it is work I love. Photography has become a true passion of mine, so it’s very rewarding to share my talent with others. I’ll admit that I have so much to learn and need so much more equipment, but I’m doing the best I can with what I have. So if you’re in my area and need a photographer for events, portraits, or sporting events, please let me know! I’m not doing weddings yet, but will do engagement photos. Those aren’t near as stressful! 🙂

Anyway, I didn’t want to just put a post with my menu for next week (haha), so I decided to actually try to write something with some substance. I’m sure all my readers have abandoned me, which is totally understandable. If there is anyone out there still reading or if you’re new here, please drop me a comment. Thanks

0 thoughts on “Life

  1. Candi

    Glad to see that you’re writing again. I had deleted your feeds from Outlook, but then saw in my blogger dashboard that you had new posts.


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