Share Our Lives: Intro & Jobs

By | January 10, 2024

Share Our Lives

Today I’m linking up with all the ladies (Joanne, Dara, Adrienne, Jen, and Sarah) from what used to be the link up called “Not Just a Mom.” However, this year they renamed it “Share Our Lives.”


Today we’re introducing ourselves and sharing about our current/previous jobs. So to start off, I’m Lysha – (pronounced like Lisa with the shhhh sound). I’m a 48 year old Texas girl, who has lived in Alabama since 1996. I moved to Auburn to be with my boyfriend at the time, who is now my husband. We’ve been married nearly 27 years. We have 2 grown boys who are 25 and 19. We entered the ’empty-nester- stage of life in August of 2022 when our younger son moved out. We are adjusting nicely. Both boys live in Auburn and come over frequently, so that makes me happy and make the change a lot easier.

Here’s my intro page, if you’re interested in more about me.

My current job: I work at Auburn Univ library in the Circulation Department. My main responsibility is to hire, train, and supervise the student workforce for our department. We employee 50-60 college students depending on the semester. I also supervise 2 staff members as well as just helping in the day-to-day duties at the Circulation and Mell desks as well as overseeing some of our stacks maintenance duties that are carried out by our students and sometimes, staff. I have held 3 other positions in the department. I’ve just slowly been working my way up in the department.

Before working at Auburn, I was an Elementary teacher for 9 years. I taught 6th grade (1 year), 2nd grade (4 years), 5th grade (3 years) and 4th grade (1 year). I taught in 3 different districts, none of which were Auburn City Schools.

In college, I worked a desk job at the College of Education at Texas Tech University as well as for another department writing summaries for CNN international news videos, which I HATED!!

In high school and my 1st 2 summers when home from Texas Tech, I worked at Braum’s, scooping ice cream, cooking burgers, etc!

So that’s a quick nutshell of my jobs!

Feel free to jump in with the link up.

Here are the topics they have planned for this year. These link-ups go live the 2nd Monday of every month:
JanuaryIntroductions and Jobs You’ve Had
FebruaryHow You Met Your Significant Other or Best Friend
March5 Items You Can’t Live Without
April – Favorite Make Up and Hair Products
May – 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Foods
June – Foods to Make For Someone Else
July – Day in the Life, Summer Edition
August – Least Favorite Activities
September – Finding Peace In Your Day
October – Sweet Tooth Cravings
November – Where Do You Shop?
December – Favorite Smells

4 thoughts on “Share Our Lives: Intro & Jobs

  1. Kym

    Hi Lysha! So good to catch up with you again! Your various jobs sound very interesting to me. I’ve always kind of wondered if I should have been a teacher or a librarian.

  2. Joanne

    Fun to learn more about you and your jobs! I didn’t realize you used to be a teacher.


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