Sentence a Day – April 2021

Sentence a Day – April 2021

1 / Thursday – Started trying to clean up garden area on the deck. Need to get pots ready to plant stuff in and have the place looking better for company on Easter.

2 / Friday – Rob in pieces about MLB moving the All-Star game out of Atlanta for political reasons. He had purchased A-list member tickets in hopes of getting to purchase All-Star event tickets. He’s absolutely heart broken that it won’t be in Atlanta.

3 / Saturday – Prepped Easter meal. Rob still emotional about the MLB Atlanta All Star situation. We went to nephew’s LaX game and that helped his spirit. We went to date night at Hamilton’s and then to the AHS show choir to see some of his D-group boys perform.

4 / Sunday – Easter

5 / Monday – Good day. Worked from home. Alex stayed home from scouts this evening to look over some math stuff for ACT tomorrow.

6 / Tuesday – Sciatic hip pain that radiates down my leg is hurting again, pretty much like last year at this time when I had to do physical therapy. I also visit Westside Albuquerque Chiropractic Care for all my holistic health needs. I am back to doing the exercises and stretching again. Also, Chiropractic assistant hiring made simple with Chiro Match Makers, the best staffing agency for chiropractic clinics, offering personalized services and a vast network to find the perfect fit for your clinic’s needs. Hopefully, it will start to not hurt so much.

7 / Wednesday – Rob got 2nd COVID shot yesterday and woke this morning with chills/fever. He stayed home from work, but was able to attend his very last D-group with his senior boys that are graduating soon. What a great ride they’ve had the last 6 years. With COVID meeting has been inconsistent and some boys/families don’t feel comfortable with them attending. This makes Rob sad, but understands. For this last outing 6 of the 13 boys showed up. They ate at Baumhower’s.

8 / Thursday – Rob was better as far as chills/fever go. He was just really really tired, so he stayed home from work another day.

9 / Friday – Wanting to change the wall hangings in my bedroom. I have never like the way I did it 5+ years ago. Looking on Pinterest for ideas. Thinking of doing some large canvas blow ups with some of my photography.

10 / Saturday – Rob and I did taxes.

11 / Sunday – Church with Rob, Drew, and Alex. Had to take Alex’s car for flat tire. Rob angry at bad call in Atlanta Braves game.

12 / Monday – My left ear started feeling weird today. Like maybe kind of stopped up. My right ear started feeling weird later. Really odd and bothersome. I put some wax buildup drops on the left side to see if that helps.

13 / Tuesday – My ear is better this morning. Thank goodness. So annoying and scary to have ear issues.

14 / Wednesday – Kayleigh dug up some of my tomato plants and managed to kill them. Grrrrr!

15 / Thursday – Got some new seeds for flowers: Nasturiums, Butterfly flower, Lupine. Excited to get these planted!

16 / Friday – So annoyed with the Dr’s office. Tried to make Alex an appt for his back which has been bothering him for months if not years. However, since he hasn’t been there in 3+ years he has to be re-established as a patient do they have to send a message to the doctor to see if its ok to do that. Then they have to call me back to let me know and if it is ok, THEN they will make the appt. *eye roll*

17 / Saturday – Went and picked up the new table and chairs. Rob put those together (since we special ordered them, they came in the box, which made it much easier to put in the truck and bring home.) Found a really soft spot on the subfloor in the front room. Grrrrr!

18 / Sunday – Church in person with Rob and Alex. Drew and Caitlyn visited Lakeview Baptist. They’re trying out new churches, which I think is good. Rob had a meeting at church at 2 and then I met him up there at 6 for a Youth Parent Meeting. Alex had to work 5-9. Nick came over.

19 / Monday – Hip pain maybe slightly better today. Rob at home for online conference.

20 / Tuesday – Good productive today. Woke up with some bad cramps, but they got better as I started moving around. Had an HRD class for work

21 / Wednesday – Found out we will more than likely be returning to work May 3. Since I’m scheduled to work in office next week that means this is my last week working from home. Alex had a cavity filled after school so he is not feeling great.

22 / Thursday – Rob decided to postpone the Annual planning retreat for Saturday because of bad weather coming our way.

23 / Friday – Last day working from home. So sad. Not a great day. Had to go into office for first hour and half to cover desk. Then had to take Rob up to the library after lunch so he could do something and then drop him back at work.

24 / Saturday – Supposed to be a stormy day. Had hard bouts of rain here and there. Drew came over and spent most of the day with us.

25 / Sunday – Church – No SS because teacher and I only showed up. Trying to get ready to head back to work in the office. Rob and I served for the Wesley pancake breakfast.

26 / Monday – Back at work in the office forever.

27 / Tuesday – Very busy day at work figuring out. Took Alex to the doctor for his back and shoulder. Will find out more about this when we take him to the Orthopedic Clinic. Came in late to work after appointment and spent the rest of the day arranging interviews for Thursday and Friday.

28 / Wednesday – Left work early to take Alex to his appointment and ate at Chick-Fil-A then he goes back to school for last class of the day.

29 / Thursday – First round of student interviews went pretty well.

30 / Friday – Such a sucky day at work>>> Read 3rd paragraph

Linking up with host of a Sentence a Day, Rebecca Jo

Want to read more Sentence of the Day posts>>>Sentence a Day


  1. Daughter & her husband are Atlanta Braves fans. I”ve been to several of their home games through the years. Go Braves! Chop! Chop! Oh dear about your sciatic issues. I have flare ups too, especially when I lift things over about 30 pounds. It doesn’t bother me at the time of lifting but then later at night, Oh Boy, the pain. Sometimes that dread of having to go back to work is worse than the actual going to work, or at least that is how it is for me, occasionally.

    • Lysha

      Go Braves! 🙂 The pain is better thank goodness. Hoping it stays that way.

  2. April sounds like it was quite the month of health issues. I hope things are better now and that the issues have cleared up or you have some answers. Health concerns and chronic pain are so frustrating.

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