Pre-Wedding Day

Pre-Wedding Day

As I worked on this wedding day post, I realized it was going to be really long with tons of pics from my and other’s cellphones. I have since divided it into 2 different posts to keep it a little shorter.

I posted this pic on FB really early on Saturday morning.

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I had actually woke up at 3am and ended up getting up at 3:30. I just kept thinking about all I had to do and just decided to go ahead and get up to glue twine on the back of the pew flowers. I didn’t realize we had 2 boxes of those so when I was decorating the Sanctuary Friday night, I realized there was a whole other box of them that I didn’t make where they could be hung up. So I did that and gathered up more command hooks as well as my dress, shoes, jewelry, and everything I needed for the day. I laid down for a few awhile and then at 5:30am got up and got a shower.

We had to be at the church at 6am as Rob’s mom and stepdad and brother were cooking breakfast for the wedding party and out of town family. They made pancakes, sausage, and bacon.

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I wanted to go ahead and finish the sanctuary, so I left them to the food and walked over.

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When I was done with the sanctuary, I walked back and noticed a text from Rob asking me to go get the Krispy Cream donuts. He didn’t want to leave the cooking, so I went and got 3 dozen glazed donuts to add to the breakfast spread.

Caitlyn’s grandmother and granddad brought fruit and powdered donuts and cinnamon rolls and helped in the kitchen as well.

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We scheduled for the girls to be there from 7:45-8:15am.

Boys were there from 8:30-9am.

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We had recommended to family to come to breakfast and overlap between the 2 groups so they could see both bride and groom. However, no one really did that.

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After breakfast, Rob and I drove across the street to get flowers for Caitlyn’s mom’s memorial seat. We were going to walk, but it was lightly raining and I couldn’t get my hair wet. So we got some roses and I walked them to her seat.

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From there, I went back to the house and put all my stuff in the car and tried to think through everything to make sure I had all the things for the rest of the day. Then, it was about time to go over to McAlister’s to pick up lunch for me and the girls.

I picked up lunch and as I drove to the girls’ AirBnB, I saw the boys walking apparently to get smoothies to help with some nervous stomachs.

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I brought the girls lunch. They had all submitted what they wanted from McAlister’s and placed the order at 3am that morning. I had tried to do it before I went to bed Friday night, but was having issues. The girls had been getting hair and makeup done starting at 8:30am, so most girls were looking gorgeous already.

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The Bride’s hair

Caitlyn and I both had trouble eating. She was super nervous and I was just anxious. We both forced food down as much we could.

Nervous but excited!

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The Bride’s make up

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Checking out my hair

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While I was getting my makeup done, the girls loaded all their stuff into my car. Then, they headed to campus for some pictures.

After getting my make up done, I had to run home to pick up an undershirt for Rob. Then, it was off to the church to drop the girls’ stuff off to the Bridal Suite.

Thoughts of…my son is getting married!! Are you still looking for the perfect engagement ring? You should definitely check out these unique tanzanite engagement rings from Ringleaders. For unique wedding rings for women, check out the Certified Diamonds Network.

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2 hours and counting

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At some point after getting to the church, I misplaced the undershirt and I picked up for Rob. He was freaking out because he couldn’t get dressed without it and we needed to be going to the front of the church for pictures. I was literally running around (mind you with my hair and make up done and in my floor length dress and very uncomfortable shoes) checking the car, checking where I had parked to drop the girls’ stuff off, and finally coming into the bridal suite to see if they had seen it. Thank goodness they had! I got it. Called Rob to tell him I had found it and ran the dang shirt to him.

It is crazy to think back to this day, and remember how absolutely exhausted and brain dead I was. I amazed that I didn’t do more stupid stuff!!

Anyway, I snapped this pic while waiting for them to locate said undershirt.

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Rob got dressed and we got to the front of the church where I frantically handed out boutonnieres and corsages. I asked others to pin those on guys, because I was too nervous. Then, we went outside and waited for pictures, which ended up not happening. I snapped a few pics of things as we stood out there waiting.

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One thing about the wedding day, I didn’t anticipate was just seeing Drew. Many of us were standing outside the front of the church and they just whisked Caitlyn off to be hidden until the ceremony. I looked over and I see Drew and his groomsman walking out and I just lost it. He looked so good. They all did. I remember just fanning my face trying not to mess up my make up. Everyone was like, “are you ok?” I just replied, “He just looks so good.” Such a strange wave of emotions throughout the day. I’m getting emotional just typing this. Anyway, I walked over and told him how good he looked and said “Thanks. You too!”

My nieces

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The ring bearer

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Groom and his guys

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Not long after this was taken, the family that was being escorted in as part of the ceremony went to a room inside the church and waited until 3:25ish before coming back to the foyer.

Wedding post coming soon!

Wedding Week posts:
Wednesday | Thursday | Friday  | Wedding Day


  1. What a special day! It looks like all the hard work you put in really paid off! I wish them many, many years of happiness together!

  2. Joanne

    Everything looks so lovely! I had an early morning wedding and a brunch reception just for the fact that I knew I’d be super nervous and unable to eat until afterwards. LOL.

    • Lysha

      Good idea! That would be hard with the way many weddings are these days with all the hair and make up and photos.

  3. Oh, my gosh…I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I got to the end of this post and gulped air. Oh, I was right there with you looking for that danged white tee shirt. Good grief, it’s always something!!

    The breakfast was such a sweet idea. Love how everyone came together for it.

    Caitlyn’s dress and hair are magnificent. And you look beautiful. Can’t wait to get to the wedding post.

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