November 2004

Lysha’s Xanga Archives

Tuesday November 30, 2004
I’ve been visiting xanga sites and I love all the Christmas-y, winter-y looks everybody has!

Yesterday I had a migraine and it’s lingered through today. It’s not as bad as it was, but I want it GONE! Today was a “no kid” day at work, because I had to go to a software presentation of 2 different companies to see which we liked better. We got to go out for lunch. We went to O’Charley’s, which is not my favorite place, but it was really good. I had the Cajun Chicken Salad.

Rob’s not feeling good today. In fact, he was home before I was!

Posted 11/30/2004 at 7:40 PM


Hi!  I meant to come comment when you subscribed to me.  Thanks for the comments on my xanga, but I can’t take credit for it as someone else did all the work.       Hope your migrane is gone now!

Posted 12/1/2004 at 8:52 AM by SnshnsGrl

Sunday November 28, 2004
I just updated Alex’s Picture page, What am I doing page, and Drew’s page!

I’m sick today. Well, I’ve been getting sick since Thanksgiving day, but today I woke up and just felt awful! I got some different medicine which seems to be making me cough more, because it’s breaking up the congestion.

This holiday weekend has gone by too fast! I don’t even feel like I’ve had any extra time off! I’m bummed about going back to work!

On a happier note, I’m really in the Christmas spirit and can’t wait! I enjoyed shopping Friday. I could have shopped all day, but don’t have the $$$ for that!

Anyway, more later…

Posted 11/28/2004 at 7:14 PM

I hope you’re feeling better soon — being sick when you’d rather be getting into the holidays is no fun at all. Thanks for your kind words about my wintry site theme! 🙂
Posted 11/30/2004 at 7:21 PM by uncskainch

Friday November 26, 2004
Wednesday afternoon we went to Johnny Carino’s Restuarant for an early dinner. It’s a brand new restuarant that opened just a few days ago. I got the Jalapeño Garlic Tilapia, which was really good. I ate the leftovers tonight for dinner. I can’t wait to go back!

Right now I’m watching Inside Dish, which is a new show on the Food Network. I really like Rachel Ray’s 30 Minute Meals and $40 a Day.

Posted 11/26/2004 at 9:17 PM

Friday November 26, 2004
My Spinach Artichoke Dip was a great success at Thanksgiving! I got lots of compliments! It was gone pretty quickly.

Posted 11/26/2004 at 2:37 PM

Friday November 26, 2004

You Are From Mercury

You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable – and it shows.
You probably never leave home without your cell phone!
You’re witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you.
You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer.
Be careful not to talk your friends’ ears off, and temper your need to know everything.

Posted 11/26/2004 at 2:9 PM

Friday November 26, 2004

Here’s Rob cooking the turkey. It was so delicious! It was the best one yet! Anyway, I went shopping this morning. I enjoyed myself so much! Not sure why. I guess it brought back memories of going shopping with my Granddad back in the ‘good ole days’! I waited in line for about 30 minutes at Old Navy, but it didn’t bother me. Then, I went to the mall and went to Belk & the discount bookstore. I was gone a from about 7:30 and got home about 9:30. We’re just hanging out now. I think I’m going to go lay down for a nap.

Posted 11/26/2004 at 2:4 PM

Wednesday November 24, 2004
Hope everyone has a wonderul holiday tomorrow! I’ll leave you with this…

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Thank you Father for the blessings you’ve given this day.
Help us to remember, Thou has shown us the way.
And give us strength to help those in need.
Never letting us forget, Thy merciful deeds.
Keep us in Thy tender loving care.
Save us, O Lord, when we are in despair!
Give us grace as we walk through life.
Inspire us to seek our brothers amid the strife.
Victory in Thee will be our guiding star.
In courage we march not caring how far.
Now we ask for the most important thing.
Grant us salvation to escape death’s sting.

~~by Jim Smith

Posted 11/24/2004 at 10:38 PM

Wednesday November 24, 2004

You Are Mashed Potatoes

Oridnary, comforting, and more than a little predictable
You’re the glue that holds everyone together.

Posted 11/24/2004 at 3:11 PM

 😆 Oh dear, now I have the Wiggles’ song, “Mashed Potatoes” in my mind. *g*
Posted 11/24/2004 at 3:56 PM by Zvanoizu

Tuesday November 23, 2004
I made this last night…REALLY Good! Or least in my opinion. No one else has tried it yet, so we’ll see, but it works for me!

Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip

10-ounce package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
9-ounce can artichoke bottoms, well drained and diced
8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
2 cups sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Several drops of Tabasco/Texas Pete (to taste)

Be sure that the spinach is well drained.

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well until blended. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or up to 24. Makes about 5 cups.

Posted 11/23/2004 at 8:10 PM


What program did you use to make your rotating pictures?  Your banner is great!!!!!  He’s a cutie!

Happy Thanksgiving Holidays!

Posted 11/24/2004 at 1:59 AM by t4tots
I use Photoshop Elements.
Posted 11/24/2004 at 4:1 PM by LRStan
Oohhhh… that recipe…
Posted 11/26/2004 at 4:24 PM by Zvanoizu

Tuesday November 23, 2004
Rob got a bad headache yesterday around 3:00. He ended up going to be real early and saying he’s never had a headache like this before. This morning we ended up in the Emergency Room. It was real bad making him nauseous and we’ve heard too many stories of Aneurysms, etc. They did a C.A.T. scan and blood work. Luckily, everything came out fine. He was still nauseated when we left the hospital, but they had given him some meds for that. I don’t think they had kicked in yet, because he’s been sleeping since right after we got home. We’ve got some pain medicine in case the headache comes back, but I’m hoping that doesn’t happen!

Just keep him in your prayers! Thanks.

Posted 11/23/2004 at 5:5 PM


Thank you for the news. 

Question:  any change in vision?  

We will keep him in our prayers.   Pam

Posted 11/23/2004 at 5:48 PM by pamstanford
He had no change in vision except some dizziness.

He’s feeling better now, just a little apprehensive about eating since he’s been so sick from the pain.

Posted 11/23/2004 at 6:47 PM by LRStan

Sunday November 21, 2004
Gosh, where has today gone? I was up at 7 am and got some stuff done around the house. Then I got the kids ready for church. We went to church and then I taught Sunday School. We had a guest preacher, who was really good. One of the verses he sighted was:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
~~Jeremiah 1:5

It was something I’ve been pondering.

After that we went to Best Buy and Drew bought Shrek 2 with some of his money he’s been saving up.

Now I’m watching Dream Ticket with Rob and his brother, Nick.

I’m so looking forward to having sometime off! I was supposed to have Wednesday off, but that’s one of our hurricane make up days. Luckily it’s a half day for everybody! So I should be out of there by 11 or so.

Posted 11/21/2004 at 3:24 PM

Shrek 2 is a awesome movie. I rented for Ryan and he watched it 5 times. Im gonna buy it for his birthday next month.
Posted 11/21/2004 at 9:10 PM by Mommie2SweetBoy

Saturday November 20, 2004

I’m watching Stepmom, while Drew watches Lion King for the zillionth time! I forgot how depressing Stepmom was.

It makes me think of a teacher that passed away last week. 36 years old died of lymphoma leaving a husband and 2 children behind, 11 & 9. An unanswerable question that scares me so bad!

That reminded me of the something else…

Last night Drew asked if we were having a “feast” for Thanksgiving. I told him what we were going to do and then we got on the subject of last year’s Thanksgiving. We were in Texas with Grandmother Wells. Drew said, “Yah, her husband is dead. He’s your Granddad. Gosh, I wish he was younger, because he can’t see me now, growing up!” I told him that he was smiling down on us. He replied with, “Ohhh, so when you die you go up to heaven with God?”

Posted 11/20/2004 at 10:26 PM

Saturday November 20, 2004

It’s amazing how scary the Iron Bowl always is! But luckily we survived! 11 and 0! We went and rolled Toomer’s Corner. Then we went to Chappy’s and ate. Rob called to say WAR EAGLE while we were gone and so we called him when we got home.

I got a purse like this yesterday when I went shopping. I just don’t have a lot of Auburn stuff and I couldn’t help but get this! I know, I know, it’s almost Christmas, but oh well!

Posted 11/20/2004 at 5:45 PM


 :fun:you have a great site here (IE: the Texas Blinkie is great! ) I never have figured out what i am suposed to do with blinkies though! ODX has been interesting to live in, no doubt about it. My daughter loves it here. But I think Texas is just part of us, and I can’t see me living here forever (unless I get rich and can have 2 homes!!!)

Posted 11/20/2004 at 9:5 PM by Dogsivu

Saturday November 20, 2004
Still an hour and half till game time, so I’m looking for recipes I might use for Thanksgiving. We’re going to Rob’s Mom’s House. They’re cooking, Rob’s frying the turkey, and I thought I’d bring some snacky-appetizer foods and desserts. Although I have to work until 11:00, Wednesday, so I won’t have a great deal of time to do these, but I don’t think they should take too long! Here’s some I’m considering:

Fruity-Spiced Glazed Nuts

Garlic Spinach Dip

Southern Sweet Chocolate Pie

Chocolate Bliss Pecan Pie

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

Posted 11/20/2004 at 2:14 PM

Saturday November 20, 2004
Today Alex’s slept most of the day. He’s still fighting that awful cough and congestion. He and Drew are now playing with a kid meal car Drew got when we went to McDonald’s earlier. I would take a picture, but I think Rob must of took the camera. I got some video footage though

I’ve had a pretty productive day. Clothes are washed, folded, and hung! House is decently clean. I made a Link page for Drew to use as his homepage on his computer. He’s always asking me how to spell Cartoon Network or something so he can get to the website, so I finally had time to do that for him. And YES we let Drew get on the internet. His computer is in our bedroom so that we can keep an eye on him. When we moved his room for Alex’s arrival, we were going to put the computer in his room, but we thought better of it. We’re not so much worried about him now, but in a few years.

The Iron Bowl starts in a little while, so I’ll be back after that…

Posted 11/20/2004 at 1:42 PM

Friday November 19, 2004
I don’t know if any of you have had this problem, but every time I go to the Dollar Store. I don’t find much I like until I’ve already paid and I’m leaving. It never fails that I see 5 or 6 things I wished I’d seen BEFORE I paid! But I look at this way…I SAVE that way!

I went shopping this afternoon before going to pick up the kids. Rob is out of town for the weekend. Should be interesting!

Drew and I are watching Peter Pan. I’m taking a break from cleaning and stuff to spend time with him.

More later…..

Posted 11/19/2004 at 9:29 PM

 :lol:I have that problem too. Take a break and relax today!!! You deserve it
Posted 11/19/2004 at 11:3 PM by Mommie2SweetBoy

Wednesday November 17, 2004


I promise to drink 40 oz. of water each day.
I promise to cut back on Diet Coke (soft drinks in general).
I promise to cut down on sugary, high fat foods, fried foods.
I promise to eat at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable serving each day.

Posted 11/17/2004 at 9:9 PM


 :wub:what a cute pic!!!


Posted 11/17/2004 at 9:11 PM by Mommie2SweetBoy

Tuesday November 16, 2004
Today after work I went to the new Belk! It was nice. Although I didn’t buy anything. I’m probably going to go back and get some shoes since they’re buy one pair get one free! I went to JC Penney and got some clothes for me. I got Drew a new jacket and Alex his 1st Auburn outfit! I finally got my refill of Zyrtec after that. Rob is out bowling. He’s taking over for someone in a 36 week bowling league with about 16 weeks out of the way.

Rob says I’m a reality show addict! I don’t think so, but now that I’m thinking about it…he’s right! I like Survivor (I could do with out now), Amazing Race (which starts a new season tonight), The Apprentice (my favorite), The Bachelor (not watching the current one), The Bachlorette, and the newest…the Biggest Loser! There’s a few others but I can’t remember them at the moment!

But what I’m really addicted to is XANGA…last night when it was down I was going crazy! I couldn’t believe how I was going through withdrawal. Just crazy!

Posted 11/16/2004 at 8:59 PM

I was in withdrawl, too! :p
Posted 11/18/2004 at 3:38 PM by barkstone

Monday November 15, 2004
Thanks for the recommendation, Candi. I’m just debating on it now. I don’t think it would be worth getting now since he’s already 20 lbs. or so. We should have gotten it earlier.

Posted 11/15/2004 at 5:53 PM

Sunday November 14, 2004
Have a baby?

I just have to recommend this toy! Alex LOVES it. He’s played with it since he was a few weeks old and will continue to love it as it has 3 stages for lying, sitting, and standing! Toys for babies so many times are a waste, but this is a must have!

Just a quick FYI

Posted 11/14/2004 at 10:42 PM



I’m going to add that to my Amazon Wish List in hopes that I actually will get pregnant and eventually need one!

Posted 11/16/2004 at 9:52 PM by TexanWmn

Sunday November 14, 2004
–Taught Sunday School.
–Went to Columbus and ate at Chef Lee’s.
–Went to Toys R Us and got Alex a Ball Popper. We were looking for a Johnny Jumper type thing, but they didn’t have anything like that. The popper was a toy that Candi’s son, has and likes a lot. It’s just a cool toy.
–Went to Target.
–Went to our Sunday school teacher’s meeting.
–Drew and I cleaned his room. It was decently clean, but there was just STUFF sitting around that needed to be put away or THROWN away!
I haven’t felt like eating today. There’s something wrong with the roof of my mouth way in the back where you put your tongue when you swallow. It’s raw! Ughgh! It’s awful!
I’m watching the Auburn Football Review. At the beginning they show the locker room after the game with the Coach’s talk and then they always sing the Fight song. It brought tears to my eyes to see the guys so proud and pumped after a game and so proud to be part of something! WOW! It’s GREAT to be an Auburn Tiger!

Posted 11/14/2004 at 10:20 PM


I recommend the Bumper Jumper over the Johnny Jump up…Luke had one like this and he loved it.  The tray helps support their arms better than the Johnny Jump up.  Plus you can attach links for Trey to play with it.

Posted 11/15/2004 at 10:36 AM by takingyouhome

Saturday November 13, 2004

10 and 0, baby!!!

Posted 11/13/2004 at 9:31 PM

Saturday November 13, 2004
Last night we went to the Burn the Bulldog Parade and Pep Rally at Toomer’s Corner. Then we went to the Men’s basketball game and then to the Volleyball game Alex had such a good time. He was overwhelmed by everything, trying to take it all in!

Today we went to campus for Game Day

Gotta run…it’s time for the game! SO NERVOUS!

Posted 11/13/2004 at 3:2 PM

Saturday November 13, 2004
ocean sunset


Where is your dream place?
brought to you by Quizilla

You know I always have multiple answers for these quizzes, so I have to go back and answer with my other answer choices!

Posted 11/13/2004 at 2:44 PM

Friday November 12, 2004
Last Friday we had the Good Behavior Movie Field Trip at my school. About 90 kids stayed back to serve detention with a few selected teachers, while the rest of us loaded up in 3 buses and headed to the movie theater. They had the choice of The Incredibles or Shark Tale. I was with the group that saw The Incredibles. Pretty good. Kind of long (at least to me)! The kids LOVED it!

Also the other night Rob and I rented Big Fish, which was interesting. It was filmed near us in Montgomery. We had a friend that was an extra in it, but it didn’t make the movie. We were mad they said that the girlfriend went to Auburn…it was not Auburn…it was Huntingdon College!! Looked nothing like Auburn!! I don’t see why they couldn’t have filmed here, but oh well!

Anyway…I just realized I hadn’t written about those things…I’ll write about today and this evening tomorrow hopefully!

Good night!

Posted 11/12/2004 at 11:35 PM

Thursday November 11, 2004
Today I’m off…Drew is off…and Alex is home with us. I updated some stuff on Alex’s page. I added some stuff to the “Before I Made My Arrival” page about his birth and how we got his name. Since he’s the last baby, I’m trying to remember ever little thing I can, but I think it’s best to get it in writing.

I’m going to try and work on my class page later and get some pics up. In a few minutes, I’m going to drop Alex off at daycare and Drew and I are going to run to the store and then to get food for the party and Rob’s work.

It’s a yucky day…rainy and cold.

My explorer is in the shop for the AC is not working. $265 for them to fill it up with freon for all of it to possibly leak out and then shell out more money to have it fixed and filled back up again!! Ughghgh, how frustrating! You’d think someone would come up with a better way! I hate dealing with car people!

Posted 11/11/2004 at 11:30 AM


I haven’t put anything in Quinn’s baby book for months.  I’m a bad mommy 😥

Posted 11/11/2004 at 11:45 AM by barkstone
 :coolman: cute kid u have! random propz… cool xanga   :teehee:
Posted 11/11/2004 at 12:44 PM by JerKraPPer21

Sunday November 7, 2004
Ok…I know…I’m going to have 1 full page of just today’s entries, but I’ve been xanga “shopping” and I found some more great xangan’s, so if you’re checking out my sight to figure out why in the world I subscribed to you it’s because we have something in common more than likely! Or I like the way your site looked. LOL WOW! If that wasn’t a run on sentence!

Posted 11/7/2004 at 5:42 PM

Thanks for stopping by! :wave:
Posted 11/7/2004 at 6:11 PM by barkstone
Thanks for stopping by…nice to meet ya.
Posted 11/7/2004 at 7:9 PM by Ostara

Sunday November 7, 2004

You Are a Life Blogger!

Your blog is the story of your life – a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible.

Posted 11/7/2004 at 5:29 PM

Sunday November 7, 2004

Life without kids…

This weekend we were “kidless”, since we went to the concert my in laws kept the boys. I think about it and I’m like sheesh! We drop them off and as soon as we drive away, I feel lull in my heart because I miss them already! Over the weekend we got a lot done, but every time I saw a child, I had to fight back tears thinking of my “little ones” being away! I think back to almost 8 months now, before Alex was born and I can’t even imagine or remember what it was like without him! I think back to almost 7 years before Drew was here! That seems forever ago!! I can’t fathom what it was like then. Don’t get me wrong, it is healthy to be away from your children for periods of time, but sometimes I find it to be quite difficult!

The good thing was we got a lot done…
–order picture frames for Oregon pictures.
–purchased picture frames for New York pictures.
–hung some pictures up and changed some around.
–got some algea eaters and a plycothemus.
–shampooed much needed living room carpet.
–spent time with Rob.
–rented Mystic River and watched it last night.

We’re going to go get the kids a little while up in Newnan! Talk to you later!

Posted 11/7/2004 at 5:20 PM

Sunday November 7, 2004
Check this out! Cool idea, neuroticfitchmom!

The Xanga Superlatives

Posted 11/7/2004 at 5:10 PM

Sunday November 7, 2004

Friday night we went to The Tabernacle in Atlanta to see Elton John. It was a concert to premier his new album, Peachtree Road. He played 9 of the 12 songs, which were awesome! My favorite was All That I’m Allowed, which I put the lyrics to below with a few pics. After the concert we went to Hard Rock. We also went to Centennial Park, which is right across the street from the Tabernacle.

All That I’m Allowed

Breaking down never seems to be that hard
Falling short is always in the cards
I’m on the road, sunrise is at my back
Lost it all somewhere between the cracks

I always hoped that I’d do better
That I’d come out on top for once
We all get what we deliver
Then there are the lucky ones

And I’ve got all that I’m allowed
It’ll do for me, I’m thankful now
The walls get higher every day
The barriers get in the way
But I see hope in every cloud
And I’m thankful, thankful
I’m thankful, So thankful
I’m thankful, I’ve got all that I’m allowed

Leaving town gets to feel just like a job
My desire never winds up on top
I can say now I didn’t want the moon
It’s out of reach somewhere beyond this room

I always hoped that I’d do better
That I’d come out on top for once
We all get what we’re delivered
Then there are the lucky ones

And I’ve got all that I’m allowed
It’ll do for me, I’m thankful now
The walls get higher every day
The barriers get in the way
But I see hope in every cloud
And I’m thankful, thankful
I’m thankful, so thankful
I’m thankful, I’ve got all that I’m allowed

I always try to make things clear
Then I watched as progress starts
I only hope I’m standing here
When heaven finally comes to call

Posted 11/7/2004 at 4:24 PM

Wednesday November 3, 2004

You Are A Chewing Machine!!

A Chewing Machine

Once you start chewing, you don’t stop. Only pausing for the occasional bubble, you’re determined to get the most out of your gum. People often compliment you on your toned jaw muscles.

Take the “How Do You Chew” Quiz to enter a sweepstakes for free Xanga Premium for you and ten of your friends!

Posted 11/3/2004 at 9:42 PM

Tuesday November 2, 2004
I fixed the links below! They should work now! Thanks, Laura!

I went to vote at 6:50 this morning and the line was wrapped around the building and I was afraid I wouldn’t get in in time and make it to work on time! So I kept giong and went after work.

Drew had a soccer game tonight. One more soccer game next Tuesday!!! I’m looking forward to a break from sports!

Posted 11/2/2004 at 9:41 PM

Monday November 1, 2004
I was going to post last night, but I got busy working on uploading, cropping, and posting pictures from:
Drew’s Fall Baseball

Friday at my school we had fall festival, which was the last hour and half of the day. It was fun and it was amazing how the teachers weren’t expected to run the whole ting! It was so nice. A huge thanks to all the parents! WOW! At my old school the parents were just not as proactive!

Friday night Rob’s Mom and Step-Dad came down. We went to the Architeture Pumpkin Carving on campus and then we went to the Auburn Women’s Soccer Game against Bama! We won!

Alex went home with them since we were going to be so busy Saturday with no one around here to watch him!

I had a TEAM math workshop Saturday from 8-12. I missed Drew’s 1st soccer game, but made it in time for most of the 2nd game and all of the 3rd game. It was a tournament. Then, it was off to Trick or Treat. We were all exhausted after that! We had to hurry back home for the AU game! It was quite scary since we didn’t jump ahead in the first quarter like we have been doing!

Anyway, I’m sore from PT…I should be in bed! zzzzzzzzzzzz………….

Posted 11/1/2004 at 10:29 PM

hey … the 2 links aren’t working.  the halloween link says it doesn’t exist and the baseball one goes to the BR trip pics.  just thought i’d let you know.  hope all is going well for y’all 🙂
Posted 11/2/2004 at 2:12 PM by singoutandsingloud

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