Here we are for another Personal History Challenge Journaling post!
What was my childhood home and neighborhood like?
My grandparents house, although it was built in the 1940’s, was stuck in the 60s/70s with the shag carpet and large gaudy chandeliers. I loved it though.
I felt safe and comfy there.
My room was down the hallway in the back corner of the house on the left.
Here I am before this actually became my room, when I was just a baby and would go visit.

My favorite spot was in the front yard on the porch swing. We lived on the corner and the street on the side was a busy road with a lot of traffic. The neighborhood was nice. Homes built in the 40s and 50s for the most part. I could ride my bike or walk to my Elementary school as well as some friends houses that lived just a few blocks away.
Here I am in 9th grade about to go to the Band Banquet standing in front of that in famous swing.

The front yard before we had the porch swing in the front yard.

Here’s a few more pics of the house through the years

Two of my cousins sitting on my Granddad’s desk

My big girl bed

The church I grew up going to across the street from our house
My dad and his 3 brothers grew up in the same house. Here are they are with our church in the background. Those shrubs were gone when I came along.

Backyard garden and covered porch
Backyard and storage building

My bedroom…oooh to be that skinny again (I thought I was fat.)
My Christmas Bulletin board

I love this post! I had a very similar bed and this house reminds me of my grandparent’s house too. And yes, I wish I were the same size I was in high school!
I’m pretty sure I had that same bedroom set! LOL. That swing would have been my favorite spot too. It’s crazy to think I went through so much of high school worried about my size and my weight because when I look back on those photos now I was incredibly skinny!