Monthly Digest – December 2023

Monthly Digest – December 2023

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Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 48
Week 49
Week 50
Week 51-52

Loving the holidays

Happy getting to spend so much time with the boys and their girls

Excited for a new year and a new start

Reminiscing about the holidays.


Social Rob and I went to a NYE party with our old Sunday School class.

Work Memories not much of anything special really

Lesson Learned 4 grown adults can coexist in a 205 square foot cabin happily.

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Current Project Trying to figure out what I want to change about blogging for this new year.

Drew and Caitlyn seemed to have so much fun on the cruise and always look so good.

Alex enjoyed dinner each night now from the culinary prospective. Analyzing different dishes. I enjoyed learning from him as well.

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Both couples looked so nice


Rob and I have both been fighting a cold since we got back from the cruise.

Most remembered the cruise and Christmas

Wearing some new dry fit shirts that I really like.


This Weekend This weekend begins Epiphany so we will take down our Christmas stuff. That’s always refreshing to just have a ‘clean’ home.

Looking Forward to Next Month In January, I dunno. I’m looking forward to a fresh start with the Christmas stuff coming down and trying to get my office clean and usable again.


Eating Ate so much on the cruise, but also worked out 2 out of the 3 days at sea, which I usually don’t do.

Favorite This Pablano and Corn chowder is always so good. I need to figure how to make this.

2023-12-20 19.10.29

This Emeril cajun dish was so good.

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Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post

Favorite Pic I didn’t take this pic, but its too gorgeous not to share.


Here’s a favorite picture I took:


Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.


  1. Tanya

    I’m so impressed that y’all fit into that cruise cabin! Happy New Year!

  2. Pablano and Corn chowder looks amazing! I need to see if I can find a recipe too! It looks like a fun cruise!

  3. The fact that four adults fit in that cabin gives me hope that we can continue to get small cabins when we cruise as the kids get older. All you basically do there is sleep and get dressed anyways, right?!?!

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