Monthly Digest::4.2024

Monthly Digest::4.2024

April Collage - Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

I’m writing this post way late due to surgery and recovery. I probably won’t do full post, because I’m honestly not going to remember everything. However, I didn’t want to just skip this post either.


Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17

Loving getting to see my Texas fam.

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Happy to have my surgery behind me.

Excited to go to Texas to visit family and have another week off work, with my sling on.

Disappointments not getting to hold my niece as much as would have liked.

Dreading just the continued shoulder surgery recovery, but also excited that it will help me get back to some normalcy.

Reminiscing of when I didn’t have to wear sling.

Social several people came over to drop off food, which made me so happy. I got a little stir crazy.

Work Memories Working one arm when I got back after surgery.

Lesson Learned I can sleep well in a recliner.

Current Project Just being…

Drew and Caitlyn took a vacation to Florida – beach/Disney/cruise

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Alex just working and hanging with his GF.

Rob has taken such good care of me and has taken over all my jobs around the house, since I can’t do much.

Most remembered Surgery

Wearing a sling and baggy t-shirts and shorts (except when working).

Looking Forward to Next Month For May, I was looking forward to not having to wear my sling anymore!


Eating Pizza, lots of chicken and veggies, mini-salads

Favorite Porkloin that we purchased from our friend,


Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post

Favorite Pic
Photo of me in Chandor Gardens

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Look back Archive

Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

LAST April’s Monthly Post!

1 Comment

  1. I hope you are able to stop wearing the sling soon! I can’t imagine how tough it must be!

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