Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {12.2015}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: getting rid of a rash that I’ve had on my leg for nearly 2 years. (joys of getting old!)

This year I’m going to rate the books & movies. Here’s my rating system:
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time

Movies I watched were:
Christmas with the Kranks
Other Christmas movies

TV Shows I watched were:
CSI Cyber
Hawaii 50
The Pioneer Woman
Amazing Race

My favorite song this month was: Christmas music!

What I remember about work was: being burnt out from working through the holidays.

A lesson I learned this month was: when you get water in your house from tons of rain, it’s not covered by insurance whether you have flood insurance or not.

Friends: came and helped us when we needed them so badly when our house flooded.

My favorite pic that I took was: will post soon.

The favorite thing I cooked was:
Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies
Not your everyday brownie! These Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies will have everyone asking for them again!

Drew was: busy with musical practice and a long week of musical performances.

Alex was: busy with Christmas Pageant Practice in his important role as Darth Vader (King Herrod.)

Rob was:
–sick with pneumonia.

The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: the house flooding.


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