January 2021 Monthly Musings-All About Love

By | January 31, 2021

Today I’m linking up for Monthly Musings for December with Patty & Holly.

January Monthly Musings- All About Love

1. How do I show love? What is my love language?
I show my love through actions, gift giving, and service. My love language is service. Doing the dishes or doing something around the house are my favorite!

2. Any fun Valentine traditions?
Rob and I really don’t any Valentine’s Day traditions. We play each Valentine’s day by ear depending on what day of the week it hits on or what else is going on.

3. Favorite Valentine Memory/ies?
This one is pretty funny>>>Valentine’s Gift Gone Wrong

4. Favorite Valentine Treat
Anything chocolate!

5. Do I wear Valentine’s Day Fashion?
I don’t. I usually wear something red. I would love this shirt.

6. Valentine’s Day…love it, like it, or a hard pass?
Rob was a hard pass when we first started dating and even through the first years of marriage. We used to wait and celebrate it April because Rob said that was flowers weren’t double in price and no crowds, etc. However, I hated it. Several years later, we started celebrating it on or very near actual Valentine’s Day.

7. What I think is the most romantic song?
That’s a hard one. So many to choose from. My country choice would be:

My pop choice would be:

8. Dine Out, Cook In, or Take Out This Valentine’s Day?
We usually dine out somewhere and we don’t always do it on Valentine’s day to avoid the crowds.

9. Pink or Red?
It depends on what it is, really.

10. Flowers or Chocolate?
I love both.

9 thoughts on “January 2021 Monthly Musings-All About Love

  1. Joanne

    We play each Valentine’s day by ear too. My husband also complains about the cost of flowers so I rarely get any on or near Valentine’s day but he will get me some other token gift and a card.

  2. Patty

    Oh that baseball tee is so cute. Thank you for joining Holly and me for the link up and hope you will join is for others in 2021.


    1. Lysha Post author

      I keep arguing with myself about whether to just buy it or not. I’m running out of time though.

  3. Leslie Susan Clingan

    We aren’t real big on holidays over here. And Valentine’s is no exception. I think it is more important to show love all the other days of the year!! That being said, gimme all the chocolate and flowers!! And pink over red.


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