iSpy Photo Challenge #1

By | January 12, 2015


This week for our iSpy Photo Challenge we were challenged to find things that start with Letter A. Here are the 3 pictures I decided to share out of the 30 pictures I took of different A items.

A is for Ants
iSpy Photo Challenge::A_is_for_Ants

A is for Apples
iSpy Photo Challenge::A_is_for_Apples

A is for Acorns
iSpy Photo Challenge::A_is_for_Acorns

I would love to see your Letter A pics, so please link up to your blog using the linkup below. After much thought, I’ve decided to change the iSpy Challenge a bit. Instead of having specific things to look for, I just want you to challenge yourself to look for those little moments or that perfect angle. Try seeing life through you lens and how you can capture it differently. Come back next Monday and share with us 3-5 of your favorite photos from this week.

See you next Monday!

Happy iSpying

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