Hey yall! It’s iSpy Saturday again. Before I get into my pics for the week, I wanted to let you know that for the iSpy prompts, I have added them to the side bar, which you’ll see over there >>>>> You may have to scroll down to see it. If you’re your phone scroll all the way down to the bottom to see it. So I will update that either on Saturdays or maybe Sundays for the new week. Hope you find that helpful.
So here’s what I came up with this week!
New – My new phone! I finally got it, but I’m still waiting on my case.

Different Angle – I took this picture from behind Katniss and lured her to look up with a piece of yarn.

Before & After – My kitchen

Fruit or Veggie? Sweet Potatoes

Backyard (Winter)

This week I used my new iPhone 12 Pro for all but a couple pics. I think I used the Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II Digital Camera for the other.
I’d love you to join along with us next week! A couple simple guidelines..
1. Anyone can participate.
2. Since this challenge is meant to help you expand your eye for photography, try to take five new photos this week for the challenge. Or do as many as you got!
3. If you find yourself struggling, you may use one photo from your archive, but who will really know…
4. Link up here on Saturday or sometime before the next Saturday. You can use the button below or just a link would be nice.
5. Have fun iSpying!

For next week the prompts you will be looking to photograph or iSpy are as follows:
– Collection
– Yellow
– Tiny
– Photographer’s Choice – you get to choose!
– Photographer’s Choice
So this completes a month worth of iSpy Challenges! So exciting! Thanks to all of you who have joined along for the fun. If you have a prompt you would like to do, please comment below and I’ll keep a running list of those and use as needed.
Have fun with it! See you Saturday! Happy iSpying!
Congrats on the new phone!
Thanks! It’s a pretty big jump from a 7 to a 12 pro!
Love the backyard view! That’s how it looks here for our winter, although I think we are finally to get some snow next week. Your new phone takes GREAT pictures!!
Yes, Winter doesn’t make for very pretty pictures especially in my backyard. I would love some snow, but that doesn’t happen here much at all.
I like the new phone and LOVE your interpretation of “Fruit or veggies?”
Thank you! I had something else in mind for the fruits or veggies, but the lighting was great for the sweet potatoes.
These are great pictures for each prompt! Love all the plants you have growing along the backyard fence!
Thanks for hosting the challenge!
Thank you! What you’re seeing in the back is probably English Ivy.
That kitty is certainly adorable. Velvety soft at any angle. Can’t believe the before and after kitchen photo. You cleaned it up spic and span!! Nice kitchen. I really wanted to do a before and after of a plate of food, but kept forgetting to take a photo before I started eating!! Ravenous these days.
Love the sweet potato capture. Maybe my favorite. Just simple and delicious.
Yes, I’m always so bad about doing ‘before’ pics when I’m doing projects around the house.