I’m sorry I’m late getting this posted again this week. Thursday night we had a family emergency that I can’t talk about right now. If you’re the praying type my family would appreciate any prayers you can send our way. Anyway, on to my pics for iSpy #21!
smooth Not sure you can tell from this picture but these leaves are really smooth.

window My bedroom window


red Spotted this lady bug in the front yard while doing some yard work the other day.

your choice This is a gorgeous cactus is huge. It’s at my Linda’s house in Florida.

I’d love you to join along with us next week! Challenge yourself this week to step out of your comfort zone. Get low, go high, change your angle, get close, back up. Do something different with your shots this week! A couple simple guidelines..
1. Anyone can participate.
2. Since this challenge is meant to help you expand your eye for photography, try to take five new photos this week for the challenge. Or do as many as you got!
3. If you find yourself struggling, you may use one photo from your archive, but who will really know…
4. Link up here on Saturday or sometime before the next Saturday. You can use the button below or just a link would be nice.
5. Have fun iSpying!

For next week the prompts you will be looking to photograph or iSpy are as follows:
– floral print
– orange
– starts with F
– fork
– your choice
Suggest a Prompt! If you have a prompt you would like to do, please comment below or email me with your ideas! I’ll keep a running list of those and use as needed.
Have fun with it! Happy iSpying!
Hi Lysha, sad you hear you are having a hard time of it right now – hope the sun come out again for you soon. Know that we are thinking of you and sending warm wishes your way. CarolG
Lysha, I like how you captured the light coming through your window and that ladybird is such a vibrant red – great shot. That pattern would make a great quilt too! Carol
I’m so sorry to hear about the family emergency. I am praying for your family during this time.
Also, that ladybug is a GREAT photo! I love it.
Wow! That ladybug photo is wonderful! I am so sorry to hear about your family struggles; of course you will be in my prayers.