Friday Forum – Dream Vacation

The object of today’s Friday Forum is to:
Imagine that you could drop everything and leave *right now* for your ultimate DREAM vacation destination. Money is no object, and you can go absolutely anywhere your heart desires. What place “beckons” to you? Think about the country [or continent, region, city, etc.] that you would *most* like to visit and what you would have to pack for a two-week stay there. Answer the following Friday Forum questions and see whether your readers can guess where you’re headed for your fantasy trip!

Soooo…read the questions and my answers and if you think you know where my dream vacation is please COMMENT!

1] A few words in the country’s national language can always be helpful. Give us some examples of a few sentences [or phrases] that you might use while you’re there. Are you fluent in the language?

Well they speak English, so that’s always good! Here are some phrases you might hear:
Fair crack of the whip!
Don’t get your knickers in a knot
Bloody oath
Away with the pixies

2] Would you take any special equipment with you for your vacation? (A diving suit? Mountain climbing gear? Your bicycle? A winter coat? Skis? A surfboard?) What form[s] of transportation would you use to navigate the area and do some sightseeing? Would you visit any sites in particular?

Uhhh….I think it would be neat to see the place by train or helicopter. I would like to go to the opera house there, Kangaroo Island, Cradle Mountain, and the Southwest National Park.

3] What are the gastronomic specialties in your dream destination? What would you like to eat while you’re there? Are there any national dishes that you wouldn’t try?

I would like to try Damper and Rissoles. I would definitely try some of their beers. I’m not sure how I’d like the Meat Pies though!

4] What would you bring back as a souvenir? What would a picture-postcard from your destination look like, and what would you write on the back of the postcard?

I would love to get some “Ugg Boots” even though they are quiet pricey! A post card would have a picture of the desert, great barrier reefs, or a beautiful opera house.

5] Could you imagine moving to your dream vacation destination and living there for a few years [at least]? Why or why not? Do you know anyone who currently lives in this location?

I don’t know of anyone who lives there now, but I know someone who is trying to figure out a way to live there. I’m not sure if I’d want to live there. Although, seeing it and being there would probably change my mind!

So where do you think my dream vacation is?


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